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Minotaurs are large, muscular humanoids. They have the head of a bull, upper torso, hands, and the body of a human, and hooved feet. Their fur and wild hair typically range from brown to black. The fur often cover forearms, chest, abdomen, and legs. Males are referred to as bulls and reach up to 2.7 meters in height, while females – cows, are similar in appearance, with broader hips, humanoid breasts, and reach only 2.1 meters.

Basic Information


Minotaur bodies are of similar shape and build to that of an ogre. Their hands are huge and strong, ending in thick sharp yellow nails. They are known to use claws in battle, but they are brittle and don't survive heavy use. Despite their heads being that of a bull, there are subtle differences in features between mundane beasts and minotaurs. Some are known to have cow-like tails; however, that trait is not common. Their snouts are thicker and longer than that of an animal, and bull-men have sharp carnivore teeth. Their canines are especially noticeable, and minotaurs never hesitated to bite their victims, prey, and opponents. Lastly, unlike bovines, minotaurs' eyes are positioned closer to the center of their faces, granting them good depth perception and another telltale evidence of their predatory nature. The creatures' iconic feature – their horns – are very similar to normal bulls', slightly curving forward. Both males and females have similarly shaped huge horns. However, males' are longer and thicker on average. There are several horn coloring variations, and sometimes as many as three colors can be present. Minotaurs with dark fur often have dark yellow or brown horns. The shortest horns are around 30cm and can reach up to three times that length.

Growth Rate & Stages

They grow an mature at about the same rate as humans.


Minotaurs are always ravenously hungry, a trait that only fueles their aggression. The youth shows little affection towards their mothers and fathers. Older females receive no special treatment and are respected as long as they remain strong and physically superior to the youths. Overall, their society is patriarchal, and those females who are physically weaker than other members of the tribes are treated not much better than slaves. Younger minotaurs often stay out of the way of older males just to avoid conflicts and brutal assertions of dominance. Adult minotaurs consume copious amounts of alcohol and duel over most things: treasures, females, power. Polygamy is common as bulls seek to father a great number of children. In some minotaur communities, males assemble harems of six-seven cows. In some fringe cases, infanticide is practiced in cases when a calf is born with physical deformities. Slavery is not unheard of. Some males keep weaker creatures as slaves while females are put in charge and allowed to take out their frustrations on their bulls' slaves. Despite that, minotaurs disliked torture. Despite minotaurs' general brutality, they have the capability to be kind and empathetic.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Minotaurs possess almost uncanny tracking and navigational abilities and a superbly keen sense of smell. They can easily visualize any path they needed to take to get close to their prey.
200 Years
Average Height
2.1 - 2.7m

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