AMTP Courses

There are a number of different curriculums within the program primarily revolving around division. There are certain courses required under each divisional curriculum but there are also universally required courses taken by every recruit. Each recruit also has optional courses they can take and those which are recommended for their individual skills or potential. This is all arranged by the administration department and can be adjusted depending on how the individual recruit performs, improves or fails to improve throughout their time within the program.

Universally Required Courses

Weapons Courses:

Every recruit is required to train with one or more kinds of martial weapons and one ranged. They have an array of different courses available for all kinds of weapons originating from every corner of their territories. These courses are generally divided up by the type of weapon.

Racial Magic:
There are a multitude of courses available to train recruits in the use of their racial magic. They are required to take a course for their aspect, or both if the two are different, and they are required to take courses on each of their manifestations.

Drills and Formations:
The various drills, maneuvers, movements and formations utilized by the kingdom are covered in this course so each recruit can function smoothly in military settings/situations. They will run through these often so they are ready to execute these formations seamlessly upon entering service. They have adopted drills and formations from their conquered territories as well. They will often practice these while travelling between compounds.

Signals and Orders:
Similar to Military Drills and Formations, this course covers the standard signals and orders utilized by the kingdom. While those of the Command Division will study these in earnest and the best methods for utilizing them, all recruits are required to be familiar with how they are expected to react to and execute these signals.

Magic Concepts:
This academic course focuses on a fundamental, basic knowledge of magic including racial, material, enchanting and true magic as well as practical applications in and out of battle. They are taught some basics of how racial magic functions such as differentiating and identifying aspects and manifestations. More advanced courses are available but not required.

History and Mythology:
This course goes over the history and mythology of the Kingdom of Accia and Emynea in general, prepared by the kingdom's scholars--the version the kingdom wants recruits to believe. While not useful for a soldier, the true purpose of this course is to better assimilate foreigers and outsiders, to condition them to favor or sympathize with the kingdom. To this end, not all of the history is accurate and is purposely portrayed in a way that paints Accia in a sympathetic and positive role.  

Beasts and Beings:
This is a joint course run by the magic concepts instructor, Joyce Claire, and beast taming instructor, Berenger Chevalier. It focuses on both the magic and forms of various beasts and beings present in Emynea. They cover where these lifeforms occur the most frequently, their skills, dangers and weaknesses. When possible, a live example will be presented whether this be a captured/tamed beast or one of their peers.

First Aid:
This is a course run by members of the Medical Department. The recruits are taught some basic first aid skills with the hopes of saving the life of a cohort or even themselves in emergency situations, on and off of the battlefield, until a medic can tend to them.

Course teaching skills for surviving in any given biome/environment. They cover the differences between the dangers and resources in these areas as they travel through them so they have some basic idea of how to survive if they become stranded or isolated in these places or if they will be stationed in these places at any given time. These skills include surviving the extremes of these places and/or magic features present, camping, hunting/fishing, wayfinding, gathering water etc.

Maps, locations, topographies and geographic features of Emynea known to the kingdom are covered in this course. The hazards of certain locations are covered as well.

A basic course centered around building, maintaining and ensuring the physical fitness of each recruit. Not every recruit is fit when they are recruited or know how to maintain fitness. Common means of building this fitness includes the obstacle courses, exercise routines, laps/races, drills and, when wanting to build teamwork, sports. A more militaristic version of P.E.

Unarmed Combat/Self-Defense:
Recruits are taught how to fight without weapons with various styles and techniques. They are also taught how to protect themselves from certain kinds of attacks (chokes, bites, hair pulls, etc.) and how to restrain a target non-lethally.

This class has recruits put the skills they are practicing to the test. They spar in various arrangements. 1v1, one against multiple enemies, 2 v 2 or even sparring between entire squads. Sometimes they spar against illusions, sometimes they spar against earth or water manipulations and sometimes they spar against each other.

Unit Drills and Teamwork:
This course brings each individual unit together and goes through drills as well as improving the individual combinations and teamwork of the recruits. Each unit is crafted with synergy in mind and this course helps them focus on their teamwork, synergy and strategy.

Equine Skills:
Every recruit is required to understand how to ride a horse, how to care for one, how to tack and untack a horse, etc. There are more advanced equine courses for mounted combatants and mobile supports but these are not required.

There are also courses available for recruits who are unable to read, write or even speak Accian as well as some basic math courses. These are only required for those lacking these basic skills.

Manifestation Courses

Manipulation (Physical or Mental)
Aura (Physical or Mental)
Touch, Diet and Charge
Blood, Venom, Bleed and Bones
Breath and Push
Senses, Eyes and Ears
Voices, Whispers and Silences
Steps, Slips and Movements
Form and Body
Apathy and Empathy
Shadows and Wills
Mind and Binding
Strength and Agility

Weapon Courses

Dual Blades

Small Blades
Fork Knives

Bladed Polearms
Spears and Pikes
Military Forks

Blunt Polearms


Recurve Bows
Composite Bows

Pickaxes and Picks

Heavy Weapons
Battle Axes
War Hammers

Blunt Hand Weapons

Flexible Weapons
Sectioned Weapons

Thrown Weapons

Hand Weapons

This article isn't quite finished yet! Annie, Albert and I are hard at work adding and editing this article, you can expect more here in the future!


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