Killer Technique in Emynea | World Anvil

Killer Technique

Suggested Audio

Secret Garden

Alright, Tia
Allen looses a sigh, leading his daughter into the patio garden

I ought to show you at least the basics before you leave!


Tia Minx Neutral

The basics of what...?
Tia questions

To Tia's surprise, a full-sized manaquin constructed of an unfamiliar material waits for them in the garden. She watches as her father places a small elemental crystal into its chest, diagrams of major muscles and organs appearing across its surface. These patterns give off a dull glow. Allen gives a deep sigh as he places a hand on its familiar shoulder.

My techniques!
Allen claims in a popping tone, glancing to her after studying the dummy

There are more effective ways of using Beranok's Aura than just tossing lightning around wildly!

Allen Smile

Tia mumbles as her face heats up, her pout drawing out a laugh from her father

It's easy to run yourself out of energy too quickly while using your aura haphazardly, even for you
Allen explains

But if you focus on accuracy and precision, not only will you be more effective but you'll likely outlast your opponent!


Tia Minx Alerted

How do you zap someone "precisely"?
Tia answers with a measure of sass

Small charges targeting specific muscles or organs
Allen responds, pointing to different diagrams on the mannequin as he explains

Just enough to freeze up or contract muscles or to impede or manipulate their nervous system. This can drastically throw off or even paralyze an opponent, leaving them open to attack or worse. This is especially dangerous for aerial opponents if you can lock up their wings.


Tia Minx Alert

Wait, how does zapping muscles... um...
Tia questions, confused

She tilts her head at her father, not grasping the basis of the technique. Allen waves her over.

Change into another form
Allen instructs and, as she takes up her birth form, his hand glows yellow


Allen gestures with two fingers, touching them to Tia's arm. As his fingers connect, Tia's bicep contracts on its own and tingles from the gentle current. He touches her shoulder as well, furthering his point.

Tia Disguised Beaming

Tia gasps, amazed not only by his ability to affect her movements but by his control in not hurting her in the process

I definitely gotta learn that one!

When you get the hang of it
Allen continues, Tia flexing her arm

This technique lets you alter your opponent's movements and uses very little energy. Though, it's important to remember extended or excessive shocks can damage and even tear muscles and cause serious burns. But with practice, you can also project it.


Allen pauses, gesturing with the same two finger motion pointed to the other side of the garden. Once locked on with his yellow-green eyes, electricity connects very briefly to a flower. Tia looks with her own green eyes, zooming in to see a dead bee below the flower while the bloom itself is untouched.

Tia exclaims, gesturing with shock

Allen beams with pride, quickly followed by laughter as she gapes

Flight is a powerful tool
Allen reasons, a tinge of amusement still sneaking into his tone

But our eyes can hone the potential precision of these techniques even further. And while it can be fun to walk around in full form, an opponent is far more likely to underestimate you if you conceal your abilities by manifesting only what you need!
Allen pauses, manifesting just his yellow hands and eyes

I've... beaten many opponents with just this.


Tia Disguised Concern

You mean...
Tia responds slowly

Killed, don't you?

Allen frowns, sighing, and feels the urge to craft a less ugly lie for his daughter. He wants to shield her from the ugliness of his past yet he knows this isn't what she needs anymore. Tia will face the same gruesome reality very soon.

Allen admits reluctantly


He sits on the fountain's edge and invites her over, patting its surface. Tia settles next to him and listens attentively.

I'm sorry I didn't train you sooner.
Allen states plainly

I had hoped you would never need any of this.

Allen Somber

Tia Disguised

I know, dad
Tia offers him a lopsided smile

I'm sorry I wasted so much of our time being angry.

What I wouldn't give for more time...!
Allen bemoans, wrapping an arm around her shoulder

You're going to need time to learn these techniques.

Allen Somber

Tia Disguised Attentive

How long did it take you?
Tia asks and Allen grimaces

Longer than you've lived yet
Allen admits, Tia blinking in astonishment

And I've got one more for you. But... this isn't something you can practice ordinarily.


Tia Disguise Surprised

Why not...?
Tia questions slowly

Allen rises and approaches the mannequin with a grim expression. He taps its chest.

This is my strongest technique. I developed it myself.
Allen narrates grimly, his voice devoid of life

As I demonstrated, you only need to manifest your eyes and hands. After years of... practice... I learned a human heartbeat follows a specific rhythm and if you interrupt that rhythm at just the right moment
he pauses and places his palm over the chest of the mannequin

Their heart will stop.

Allen Smirk

Tia's eyes widen, realizing his meaning suddenly, leaving her with a blank expression. When Allen glances back to her, Tia's face shows a mixture of uncertainty and discomfort. He sighs, closing his eyes and knitting his brows.

This is an assassination technique
Allen states plainly

If you get it right, its a low energy tool to defeat almost any opponent. But outside enchantments like these, you can only practice this on live targets. Failure will leave you vulnerable. If you find yourself in this position
Allen meets her eyes

I suggest a paralyzing charge or even a more powerful discharge in a pinch, if not retreating altogether.

Allen Smirk

Tia Disguised Concern

Tia speaks with hesitation

H-how do you even know when to...?

Allen gestures to his own neck, exposing his jugular to her.

Watch for my pulse
Allen instructs


Manifesting just her eyes in her father's form, Tia focuses her vision and zooms in on his throat. She watches his skin rise and fall with each heartbeat.

Lock in onto the rhythm
Allen explains

With practice, you'll know when to administer the shock to interrupt it. Watch.

Allen Smirk

Allen's Ire

Allen turns back to the mannequin and, his body slightly lowered, holds his left hand just behind his back. His body is positioned to block the target's line of sight from his hand. The marks on his hand glow and Tia sees the electricity crackling on his palm. Allen dashes forward abruptly, shoving the forearm of his right arm into the dummy and connecting his palm and his elbow to each of it's shoulders. Electricity connects at these two points and Allen plants his left palm onto the mannequin's chest unimpeded. Tia finds herself both in awe and unsettled by Allen's expression while doing this—serious, aggressive and detached. His attack is akin to a bolt of lightning, sudden, harsh and seemingly unpredictable. The illustration of the manequin's heart flashes twice before all light fades from its surface and the crystal fueling its enchantments shatters into nothing.

Your second arm can be used
Allen explains and gestures to his palm and elbow

To keep a target from defending from the attack, locking up both of their arms. However, its not always necessary as a simple palm strike can be difficult to defend against if they don't perceive the threat. Finding an opening is wise.

Allen Smirk

Allen falls silent, noticing Tia is staring steadily down at her own hands. As this silence lingers, she glances up with a pained expression.

Tia Disguised Emotional

I'm... I'm really going to have to kill people...?
Tia questions, her voice hollow. She hadn't considered this fact yet

Allen closes his eyes and grimaces, knowing this innocence couldn't be preserved any longer. Tia's gaze drops with an empty expression, falling into contemplation.

Tia Disguised Angry

I should be upset
Tia's criticizes herself, dissatisfied

I should be saying "I don't want to kill anyone!" But I still think about them.

Allen questions and Tia pinches her eyes shut, taking on a rancorous scowl

Allen Somber

Hiroto, Asahi, Kenji, Junichiro, Seina
Tia lists with a quivering voice, fisting her hands in her lap

And Ben!
she spits

After everything they did to me, it would be a lie to say I haven't wanted to kill them, that I still don't want to...!

the softness of Allen's tone makes Tia wince, his eyes drifting to her hair

It isn't wrong for you to hate them, to resent them
Tia opens her eyes, meeting her father's concerned gaze

These people hurt you so badly. What you're feeling is natural, I hate him too. I nearly killed Ben myself!

Allen Somber

I can't stand seeing him
Tia seethes acrimoniously, her face scrunching at the memory of Ben meandering their great hall at her introduction

He still terrifies me and I hate it! My body was burned, my bones broken, and the rest of me battered and torn
Tia spits and trembles at the memory

I felt myself dying but he doesn't even have to pay!

Allen wraps an arm around his daughter, trembling as well from Tia's description. He squeezes Tia as if he could protect her from what had already transpired.

I wish I could obliterate that cretinous bastard...!
Allen remarks in a quiet but ferocious tone, his malice astounding Tia

And he would deserve it. But...

Allen Leer

Allen takes a deep breath breath and lets his shoulders drop, his grip loosening

We can't hurt or even kill everyone who wrongs us. I've taken so many lives, Tia.
Tia can see the regret painting him and weighing his expression

I don't want you to carry that same burden. Besides, these people have already taken enough from you
concern spills into his eyes

They don't deserve to take more with the consequences of revenge.

Allen Somber

Tia mulls over his words, a frown lingering as she still isn't quite satisfied with his answer, but she is unable to express herself properly. She looks to Duff instead, sunbathing nearby as a cat. This had become his favorite form within the manor, not needing to conceal himself.

Tia Disguised Attentive

I guess these kinds of things are easier for you?
Tia questions him

He rolls over to look at them as if he hadn't already been listening to their conversation

I could kill the twit for you, if you'd like.

Duff offers casually, his own delight at the thought leaking through

No one would even know!

Duff Cat

Tia Disguised Beaming

Don't tempt me!
Tia laughs and Allen blinks at her. Tia releases a long sigh as she stands, looking back to the mannequin.

I guess I should practice?
Tia questions, feeling somewhat lighter

Allen's smile is just as light, happy to see Tia back to her sunny self. They spend the rest of the afternoon going over and running Tia through his exercises so she could continue practicing, even without him.


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