Jorcyn Settlement in Encarcia | World Anvil
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Jorcyn is the Capital city of The Motherland.


As an Authoritarian Socialist Govt, all are equal under the Law and you are expected to help your fellow citizens.

Industry & Trade

Full of artisans and one of the first stops on the trade route from the Dwarfs, the city takes raw materials and converts them into items, which are then shipped along to be sold further down the trade route.


The city itself is a set of artificial hills, built up and with a fair bit of planning, indoor plumbing and heating/cooling is a major infrastructure. Canals pull water from the river into aquifers where it stored before being pumped across the City.


Separated into districts based on industry rather than finance or influence.

Guilds and Factions

Since most trades are family businesses guilds are pretty unimportant. Factions however sweep the landscape, though rarely violent going tot he wrong bar or such can be rather unpleasant.


The ancestral Capital of the Dragonborn since they emerged, Jorcyn has been rebuild many many times. Appearing as a set of Hills they are completely artifical built on the remains of the old capital and containing many twisting and turning underground passages. They have only collapsed a few times after earthquakes.

Points of interest

A warren of homes and shops its hard to really identify any single POI.


Mercantile tourism is the primary type of tourist. Buying goods here can be done for cheap by comparison to the cities it exports to, tough then one has to travel as well so tourism for tourism sakes is insignificant.


Haphazard, eclectic and chaotic. Buildings are built on neighboring buildings without regard to long term structural stability.


Being near a river allows for some small agriculture, though the soil is rocky. Otherwise open Steppe greats across the horizon.
Location under
Owning Organization

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