The Minotaur Who Loved Me Document in Encopia | World Anvil

The Minotaur Who Loved Me

It was only a year since I came to work here, and everything I had seen was wrong, because he loved me. I was so young, but he acted as if we had been going out for years. He's good to me, and I'm good to him. All the milk maids jealous that he chose me over them. But he treats me like a lady, gives me expensive gifts and taught me how to be charming.   Then one day he tells me he's going to visit his brother. I'm so happy, I cry for joy, I can't wait for his return. But I'll never see him again. His brother just ignores him, and he seems to get along better with me than with him. So I decide to run away. To run to Minotaursburg and tell him to take me back to his brother, and we can be happy again. But when I get there he's already married, to the daughter of the family that owns the most successful bakery.   The elf moves in and vows to wait for him. The minotaur is saddened by the betrayal and leaves. The elf lives as a milkmaid, trading in her weapons for new minotaur farm equipment. A decade passes and the minotaur returns. He and the elf struggle to reignite their love, but neither knows the other has moved on. Life on the farm is hard and takes its toll. When the minotaur finds a letter from his lover, he is overcome with grief. The elf sees him in tears and runs to his side, only to discover her love is not alive. That night, as he lays in the field where he used to lay, his grief makes him angry. He raises up his hammer and smashes it into the earth and whispers: "I did love you".   So they divorce, and he and I are free to be together. We spend the rest of our lives running away to each other's city, then running away to the other's. Whenever we run away, we find that we can't live without the other. We spend our whole lives running to each other's town, or to other places. Once we even got married. But then I got pregnant, and our village shunned us, calling us evil and corrupt. We left their town, and finally went to Minotaursburg, but then our son got ill. He was so sick, I almost died. But he got better, and now he's grown up and almost a minotaur. And I'm looking to his future as a minotaur wrestler. He's my minotaur, and I'll never be alone again.
Text, Literary (Novel/Poetry)