The Plank King, Sefton Smithe Character in Encopia | World Anvil

The Plank King, Sefton Smithe (Chef-Ton)

Plank King Sefton 'Tusk Beard' Smithe

The Plank King is the implicitly recognized "Lord of the Sea" by all who sail the waters of Encopia. Not even a copper moves aboard a ship without him knowing about it, or taking his cut. However this tax is not without its merit, as his keen logistical mind and legendary leadership have lead to the most efficient trade network in all of Encopia's recorded history.   An idealist, but not without teeth, he believes you pledge your life to a purpose and if you forsake that oath then he is merely the arbiter of your punishment. Those who learn this lesson first hand bare the mark - you can easily identify them by their missing arm or leg - for the rest of their life, with many more not being left with even that. The Plank King does not enforce this code among all pirates, though many share his opinions, as he thinks the rules of a ship and those that crew it are made by it's Captain alone. Despite knowing the consequences of not living up to this expectation, the Plank King is in no short supply of sailors aspiring to serve in his personal crew, the Revelry League.   Originally a simple pirate with a grand vision, he used his preeminent charisma to single handedly united rival and competing crews as a means to establish a safe haven for those who seek freedom on the open seas - bringing their leaders together as the Council of Captains and founding Freeport as their home - believing they are stronger unified under the one philosophy they all share: "Expression or Death."   Although he founded the Council with the explicit intention that those with a seat at its table are equals, it quickly became understood that Sefton was its de-facto head and leader. And so his reputation of uncompromising ideals and inspiring leadership gave rise to his appellation: The Plank King.   20 years ago, Sefton found - or possibly abducted - the siblings Olati Olenensha and Ursula Trémaux and adopted them as his own children. However, he kept the existence of the siblings secret from one another for unknown reasons. Eventually he would exile Olati and elevate Ursula to a seat on the Council as his right hand and assumed heir.

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