Weapon and Armor Modifications

Weapons and Armor can be altered, gaining add-ons that improve their features or add new ones. You can purchase the modifications below (or create them if you have the proper tool proficiencies) and add them to the items listed with each modification. Modifications can be removed by a creature proficient in the same tools required to install them (if any).   Weapons and Armor have a Modification Point (MP) value that determines how many modifications it can have. An items MP is given by its rarity:
  • Common: 1 MP
  • Uncommon: 2 MP
  • Rare: 3 MP
  • Very Rare: 4 MP
  • Legendary: 5 MP


  • Cost: 200 gp
  • Modifies: crossbows, firearms
  • MP: 1
When you wield a weapon with a bayonet attached, you can wield it as a melee weapon to make an attack that deals 1d6 piercing damage with a reach of 5 feet. The bayonet has none of the weapon properties or magical powers of the weapon attached to it, but is a magical weapon if the ranged weapon it is installed upon is as well.


  • Cost: 10 gp
  • Modifies: a melee weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage
  • MP: 1
The weapon can only deal bludgeoning damage and gains the nonlethal property. When you roll the highest number on a damage die, you must reroll the die and take the second roll.

Butt Spike

  • Cost: 100 gp
  • Modifies: all hafted weapons (i.e. axe, spear, ect.)
  • MP: 1
When you come within 5 feet of a prone creature on your turn, you can use your bonus action to make a melee weapon attack against that creature. This attack deals 1d6 piercing damage. None of the weapon's properties apply to that attack.


  • Cost: 200 gp
  • Modifies: a weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition
  • MP: 1
When used against a fey, fiend or undead, a consecrated weapon or piece of ammunition is considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage. A cleric, paladin, or other creature with sufficient divine power as determined by the DM can create a consecrated item.


  • Cost: Varies
  • Modifies: any
  • MP: 1 per 500 gp spent
The item is decorated with paint, etching, precious metals, or gemstones. It confers no benefits on the battlefield, but may grant +X bonus to Persuasion checks while you wear it by creating an aura of wealth and prestige, where X equals the number of MP used.


  • Cost: 300 gp
  • Modifies: any weapon without reach or two-handed
  • MP: All
A specially-made weapon sheathed inside a nondescript object, to be carried into places where other weapons are forbidden. These include knives hidden in flutes, swords hidden in canes, and similar creations. An incredible variety of concealed weapons exist, as there is no limit to creative ingenuity. Technology and plausibility are far more limited. The DM is the ultimate arbiter of which weapons can be concealed inside another item. A DC 17 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals a disguised weapon while it is concealed.

Enhanced Guard

  • Cost: 150 gp
  • Modifies: any hilted weapon (i.e. longsword, dagger, rapier, etc.)
  • MP: 2
A weapon with this guard, often a basket hilt, grants you advantage on checks to avoid being disarmed of it.

Fire Lance

  • Cost: 60 gp
  • Modifies: a simple or martial weapon with the reach property
  • MP: 1
A explosive tube packed with gunpowder and lead pellets attached to the end of a polearm. When you would attack with the weapon equipped with it, you can instead fire the modification, forcing each creature in a line 10 feet long and 5 feet wide, which extends from and is parallel to the end of the modified weapon, to make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. A target takes 3d6 piercing damage and 3d6 fire damage on a failed save, or half as much on a successful save. The tube has the gunpowder property, and after firing it is destroyed and must be replaced. Installing a new fire lance requires an action.


  • Cost: 75% of weapon cost
  • Modifies: losword, dagger, greatsword, rapier
  • MP: 2
A modified blade with undulating waves instead of a straight cutting edge which makes it more difficult to block. When you attack with a flamberge blade and your attacker uses a reaction to boost their AC, the bonus to AC granted is halved.


  • Cost: 100 gp
  • Modifies: armor
  • MP: 2
Armor lined with furs for warmth. When wearing furred armor, you have advantage on saving throws against cold environments and weather disadvantage against hot environments. This modification increases a suit of armor's weight by 5 pounds.

Guisarme Hook

  • Cost: 70 gp
  • Modifies: a simple or martial weapon with the reach property
  • MP: 1
A hook added to the back of the weapon's head, allowing you to pull them 5 ft. closer to you.

Penobscot Arms

  • Cost: 4000 gp
  • Modifies: shortbow, longbow
  • MP: 3
When you roll a 1 on a weapon damage die for an attack you make with a bow that has this set of forward-facing secondary arms, you can reroll the die. You must use the new roll, even if the new roll is also a 1.

Poison Reservoir

  • Cost: 1500 gp
  • Modifies: a melee or ranged weapon that deal piercing or slashing damage
  • MP: 2
A weapon with this modification stores up to 5 doses of one type of injury poison at one time. When you deal piercing or slashing damage to a creature, you can choose to deliver one dose of poison. Poison in the reservoir never dries.


  • Cost: 3000 gp
  • Modifies: all ranged weapons
  • MP: 2
A weapon with a scope attached doesn't have disadvantage on attack rolls made beyond its standard range.

Second Barrel

  • Cost: 500 gp
  • Modifies: firearms
  • MP: 3
This additional barrel multiplies the weight of the gun by 1.5 and allows you to attack twice, instead of once, before reloading. You can load both barrels simultaneously.


  • Cost: 100 gp
  • Modifies: a melee weapon or 10 pieces of ammunition that deal piercing or slashing damage
  • MP: 1
When you land a critical hit or exceed a target's AC by 5 or more and deal piercing or slashing damage, you deal additional necrotic damage equal to half your proficiency bonus. Objects, Constructs, and Elementals and other creatures that do not bleed may be immune to this damage, at the discretion of your DM.


  • Cost: 4000 gp
  • Modifies: all weapons and armor
  • MP: 2 per socket
Adds a socket to the item which allows for the placement of special gems that magically enhance it. A list of available gems below. Adding and removing a gem from the socket requires an Action, and removing the gem destroys it in the process.   It is possible there are rare and unique magic items that can also be placed within a socket.

Spell Circuit

  • Cost: 5000 gp
  • Modifies: any armor or article of clothing that requires attunement
  • MP: 1 per circuit
Add a magical circuitry to the lining of your armor, as an Action you can active them to restore X level(s) of spell slots, where X is where X equals the number of MP used. Once a circuit is used, it can not be used again until dawn of the next day.


  • Cost: 20 gp
  • Modifies: weapons that deal bludgeoning damage
  • MP: 1
Metallic studs or spikes attached to the weapon focus damage on single points. A studded weapon gains the piercing property.


  • Cost: 500 gp
  • Modifies: weapons that deal bludgeoning damage
  • MP: 2
Weighted weapons hit with staggering blows that daze the target, preventing the targeted creature from taking reactions and reduces its Perception by 5 until the start of its next turn.

Magical Gems

  Magical Gems can be socketed into weapons and armor that have that modification.
Gem Weapon Effect Armor Effect Price
Accuracy Gain +1 to hit Gain +1 AC 800 gp
Blessing +1d4 radiant damage Gain resistance to radiant damage 200 gp
Corruption +1d4 poison damage Gain resistance to poison damage 100 gp
Decay +1d4 necrotic damage Gain resistance to necrotic damage 200 gp
Energy +1d4 lightning damage Gain resistance to lightning damage 400 gp
Flame +1d4 fire damage Gain resistance to fire damage 400 gp
Frost +1d4 cold damage Gain resistance to cold damage 400 gp
Power +1d4 weapon type damage Gain resistance to slashing, bludgeoning,
and piercing damage from nonmagical attacks
600 gp
Psionics +1d4 psychic damage Gain resistance to psychic damage 200 gp
Resilience +1d4 force damage Gain resistance to force damage 200 gp
Spite +1d4 acid damage Gain resistance to acid damage 100 gp
Thunder +1d4 thunder damage Gain resistance to thunder damage 100 gp