Zort & Vort Character in Encopia | World Anvil

Zort & Vort

Twin goblins dressed as Jesters that were disguised as the head of the Vellen Crime Syndicate, Mach E. Vellen.   When the Fandelian Conscription Unit fought them in a Syndicate hideout, the pair displayed very strange and powerful magic - such as sharing injuries, incorporeal movement, and charming effects for anyone attempting to harm them.   The party encounters the duo again at Flormonta Mountain after recovering Tyrus Clovehoof's amulet for Mundrin and attempt to parley with them an exchange for the amulet claiming their boss wants it for continued leverage over Mundrin. During the exchange it is revealed that Zort and Vort are both in fact demons disguised as goblin jesters who serve an unknown devil master, and are unable to speak him name because that is "against the rules."
Aligned Organization