Terra Geographic Location in End of (old) Times | World Anvil
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A cradle of humanity once exploited for its recourses, now celebrated and nurtured in order to preserve this unique green gem, while wars are fought at the distant stars, and against the fact that all major world powers have a foothold on Terra, the planet has not known armed conflict for multiple generations. It is because of the fact that Terra and the whole Sol System are a demilitarized zone.


A planet, that despite its age has managed to keep its face against the centuries, it is still green, with endless oceans of blue.

Fauna & Flora

Most of the fauna and flora that has not gone extinct during the time that earth was exploited for recourses are still present, nurtured and protected by today's humanity in order to preserve this beautiful orb for future generations

Natural Resources

All mining operations on Terra has ceased centuries ago, in order to not disturb its even then fragile ecosystem.
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