Inktober XIV: Vacant in Endhaven | World Anvil
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Inktober XIV: Vacant

Castle Groll is a long-forgotten castle sitting off the coast of the island of Eelchar in the Tourgier Sea. Nobody has confirmed where it came from or its history, though most believe it was teleported here by a powerful wizard in the midst of a battle.  


Much of what is known about Castle Groll is in ancient folktale and myth, so historians are still debating over what is fact and fiction. Most legends state that Castle Groll once belonged to a great king of the same name who obtained his role through an exchange with a particularly powerful nameless wizard. When the wizard demanded payment, Groll turned him away, but soon paid for his actions after the wizard took over the whole palace by himself.   The wizard soon grew bored and expanded his reach of power outwards, nearly encompassing a quarter of the whole mainland continent before being stopped by three adventurers, judging by forensic evidence. In a final last-ditch effort, the wizard teleported the castle into our realm at random, pulling a nearby section of cliff down into the middle of it, killing everyone inside. Most folktales rumor that the wizard's power or body still contain great energy that can be harnessed by those who find it, but these are likely stories meant to keep children away from the site.  


Castle Groll features many pillars and flying buttresses to support the grand, arched roof overhead. Broken bits of colored clear shards are littered nearby and on the rocks below, suggesting the presence of stained glass windows at one point in time. Researchers point out oddities in the section of earth knocked through the midsection of the castle, claiming it has rooms, man-made objects, and even furniture and stairs inside.

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