Freya's Broom Closet (Holl) Building / Landmark in Enga | World Anvil
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Freya's Broom Closet (Holl)

Freya’s Broom Closet is Holls only brothel and thus, the women of ‘The Closet’ are overworked and underpaid. Still, despite the constant…care…of the villages raiding population, the women, men and yes, even Skratte are happy to meet the needs of any raider, adventurer, priest, or elder.

Purpose / Function

Originally a family dwelling, built to house a dozen or so families.


Since it was purchased and turned into Her Other Temple, the majority of alterations were cosmetic. The obvious ‘sensual’ trappings such as flowing curtains and padded sitting areas were added. While not a luxury establishment by any means, Freya’s Place is still much nicer than anything nearby.


Construction is the same as any other house or building in the village with a wooden plank roof that has been painted a very pretty pink.
Alternative Names
The Closet, Freya’s Place, Her Other Temple
Brothel / Whorehouse
Parent Location

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