The Binding of Fenrir Myth in Enga | World Anvil
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The Binding of Fenrir

The Aesir chose to raise Fenrir, the great wolf, themselves in order to control him and keep him from destroying the nine worlds. The great wolf grew quickly and only Tyr, upholder of law and justice, could approach the voracious pup to feed him.
  The Aesir knew how much devastation Fenrir would cause should he ever roam free, they decided to chain him to prevent destruction. They spoke to the wolf telling him that it was all a test of strength, and even clapped and cheered as the wolf broke the first two chains that they attempted to bind him with.
  Finally, Odin All-Father, wisest of the Aesir, sent word to the dwarves in Svartalfheim. They being the craftiest and most skilled smiths forged a chain that could not be broken. It was forged from the sound of cat’s foosteps, the beard of a woman, the roots of mountains, the breath of a fish, the spittle of a bird, and other things that don’t exist. They called the chain Gleipnir, and it was unbreakable.
  A third time the gods went before Fenrir and proposed a test of strength. The wolf, curious at the new chain which seemed so lite, suspected trickery and refused the test unless one of the Aesir would lay his or her hand in its jaws as a pledge of good faith.
  No god would do so, knowing it would mean the loss of a hand and the breaking of an oath until at last brave Tyr stepped forward to fill the wolfs demand. When the wolf could not break this new chain and the gods refused to release hime, he bit down, devouring Tyr’s hand.
  Fenrir was then transported to a lonely and desolate place, and after he was chained to the earth, a sword was placed in his jaws to hold them open. Howling in rage, a river of drool flowed from his mouth, forming the river Van (Old Norse: Expectation). There he will remain until Ragnarok.
by John Bauer, 1911

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