The Frosty Giant (Holl) Building / Landmark in Enga | World Anvil
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The Frosty Giant (Holl)

On the north-west road, The Frosty Giant is a welcome stop for travelers and whose staying at the Whales Wallow Inn. A unique tavern in the village because they have a magical device that makes there ale colder than normal. This is accomplished by a magical device that was built for them as payment of a debt when a Viatori from Toft drank a bit too much during his stay in Holl and couldn’t afford the bill. The owner (an Uldan women named Astrid Skard) won’t let anyone see the device, so little about it is known. What is known is that she serves the coldest, most refreshing ale in Holl.
  The Frosty Giant can be found at location 1 below:
Holl_Layers_Taverns Numbered.jpeg
Parent Location

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