The Jarldoms of Enga, An Overview in Enga | World Anvil
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The Jarldoms of Enga, An Overview

An excerpt from The Jarldoms of Enga, An Overview:  
  The Jarldoms of Enga are a highly organized hierarchal system of government. Though based almost entirely on martial prowess as a means of deciding who shall lead (see Martial vs Mind for an opinion on this) the Jarldoms manage to provide a stable, peaceful living condition for the majority of Enga’s inhabitants.   The Rikr Jarldom’s

The highest title that a Jarl can have is that of Rikr. A Rikr Jarl has the fealty of two or more other Jarls. These individuals rule from one of the so-called Greater cities spread across the world. There are currently 8 Rikr Jarldoms on Enga.

At present, there is only one way that someone can become a Rikr: A Hersir Jarl may challenge the Rikr Jarl to ritual combat for the right to rule. This challenge can not be refused by the Rikr, since to refuse is seen as cowardice and would be considered an automatic forfeit.

Hersir Jarl

These are the primary mainstay of Jarldoms. Typically have 1-10 villages under their control, and have sworn fealty to a Rikr. Of course, if it isn’t the Rikr for the area the Jarl is from, it can cause problems, though this is quite rare. The typical term of address for a Hersir Jarl is simply Jarl.

Much like Rikrs, all Hersir Jarls are chosen by ritual combat. Anyone can challenge the current Jarl if they believe that new leadership is needed. If the Jarl accepts the two fight to the death with the winner becoming/staying Jarl. Unlike Rikr Jarls, the challenged Jarl has the right to refuse the challenge. Typically this is done when the challenger is too sickly, elderly, or otherwise it would be considered dishonorable to do so. On occasion, the elderly will challenge Jarls so they can be killed in combat and go to Valhalla after living a long and victorious life. Most Jarls will accept these challenges as a matter of honor. It is very rare that these combats result in the current Jarl being killed.

Minstr Jarl

The ruler or leader of a village is referred to as a Minstr Jarl. This person has only a single village under their control, and the surrounding farms and land. He/she owes fealty to a Jarl. The typical term of address for a Minstr Jarl is simply Minstr.

Minstr Jarls are typically chosen by popular acclaim, but can come to power in the same way as Jarls and Rikr Jarls. This is rarer at the village level since it typically causes grudges and vendettas to form that eventually causes power to shift numerous times and whole families to be upended before it ends.

Free Jarldoms

Throughout the world there are a number of Free Jarldoms. These are Hersir Jarldoms that owe fealty to no Rikr. These Jarldoms closely guard their independence as well as try to absorb other Jarldoms. Occasionally, they are absorbed by Hersir Jarls from the Rikr Jardoms or by Rikirs themselves.

- Njal Skjaldulf, Member of the Viatori, Arcana of Toft, 702 AB

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