Beordan Human Ethnicity in Engwilt | World Anvil
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Beordan Human

The Beordana are a unique culture living on the large eponymous island and are oftentimes separated into two categories: The Inlanders that live within the wild Jungle and along the Mountain Ranges as well as the Coastliners, living almost solely on the South-Eastern coastline.


Their skin is rather pale thanks to a distinct lack of sunshine on the island, their thick forests oftentimes being very cold. Another identifying feature are their almost petite noses, giving them the rather rude nickname 'Smallnoses', uninspired yet popular among the people of the mainland.
Their hair tends to be on the lighter side, which is often dyed in bright colours during various indigenous festivals, alongside equally colourful skin paint. While this practice was receding among the Coastliners, thanks to being ridiculed as savages by the traders, their colourful appearance started drawing the interest of tourists who wanted to attend these festivals. While the Coastliners mainly see this as a great source of new revenue, the Inlanders despise this practice and consider it selling out their culture and very souls to play jesters for foreigners.

The Coastliners

Making up a staggering 80% of the island's total population, the Coastliners' culture is far more aligned with that of the Ramerian mainland than that of their inland cousins.
This is due to the large dependence on mainland trade, which has been going on for hundreds of years already, further expedited when Beordan was first made a protectorate of the then-mighty Empire of Rameria more than 200 years ago.
Since the Vailians were always the most influential traders - in first line now after the Empire's collapse - they are also the culture that the Coastliners seem to be trending towards, starting to disregard traditional values in favour of wealth.

The Inlanders

Almost the exact opposite of their coastal cousins, the oftentimes disorganized tribes and villages of the inland place immense value on culture and tradition. Where the Coastliners might buy overseas novelties for entertainment, the Inlanders are known for elaborate story-telling that is oftentimes accompanied by music, dance, or even full pseudo-theatrical performances, both of divine myths and tales of heroes and villains.
This is further reinforced by virtue of being a counter-culture to those living on the coast who they feel lost their way: in the past, the inlanders weren't as traditional, yet the more the coastal people started to disregard their past, the inland people started looking towards it instead.

Beordan Human

Average Lifespan
60 years
Average Height
Facial Features
Pale skin and small noses

Protectorate of Beordan

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