
Atkimêw (absence of senses), is a form of treatement to cure diseases, notably Malice-based ones.
  As Malice is an invisible, intangible, inaudible, tasteless and odorless matter, the techniques to cure a patient are based on trial-and-errors. Atkimêw has so far been used as one of the most effective techniques, although if performed by anyone other than certified and experienced Jatkimêw it can lead to serious mental scars.
  The method used consists of depriving the patient of all of their senses by using blindfolds, earplugs, muffs or gloves, different kind of ropes and molding paste. The quality of each of these items vary from practicionner to practicionner and from client to client. Wealthier patients might benefit from custom masks that greatly decrease risks of choking and asphyxia, while most lower class folk might have to resort to either endengering the life of their ill loved one or tampering with the treatement effectiveness to avoid tragic fates.
  Despite all the prescribed precautions before starting treatement, including the near constant presence of a Tumaw ("Watcher") to ensure the safety of the patient, this technique retains a rather elevated mortality rate. Within a group of 20 patients, 7 would be able to handle the procedure, out of which 4 would start exhibiting symptoms of intense psychological distress. Among the three remaining patients not negatively impacted by the treatement, only two would show signs of absence or decrease of Malice.