
Dwarves are a humanoid species primarily located in mountainous terrain, generally underground although some have adapted themselves to rocky mountainsides.


  Dwarves have two thin, downward rounded ears that allows them to hear more distinct sounds. Their eyes typically have an almond shape, their colour varies. Their night vision is excellent, allowing them to venture deeper with little light and due to having slit pupils they are also able to adjust to a life exposed to outdoor natural light. The skin tone is on the lighter almost transparent side for individuals living underground and warm light brown for those outdoors, dwarves' skin is very sensitive to UV lights making them prone to avoiding warmer climates. Regarding hair, it also tends to be lighter colours, black hair considered as even rarer than redheads on Earth. Body hair is thin and covers most of the body, contrary to facial hair in males which is much more dense and thick.   Average height for males and females alike is about 130 cm (51.1 in), the smallest recorded being 112 cm (44 in) and the tallest 147 cm (57.8 in). Most of their weight is made of muscle and they frequently lose muscle mass during the year which they build back up burning the fat stocked while less active. Their growth is very slow, 80 cm (31.4 in) equating to a young child and 110 cm (43.3 in) that of a young adult.   Male and female dwarf, especially males yet without facial hair, are rather similar. Female dwarves tend to have smaller breast, even after giving birth but breastfeed much longer than humans. Pregnancy is rather short and the mother generally gives birth to only two children during her entire lifetime. Dwarves have an average lifespan of about 280 years, reaching adult age between 72 and 75 years old depending on the dwarven clan.   Dwarves are currently the only race known to suffer from Puchwot. The fatality of the illness is slowly reducing the dwarven population. Because they are not exposed to sunlight frequently enough and therefore lack vitamins, dwarves have developped a nourrishing cream to apply daily to all exposed skin. Two types have been created, an organic and a synthethic cream. Due to the difficulty of finding the ingredients, the organic cream is much rarer and more expensive, only wealthier dwarves being able to afford them.
  Dwarven bodies are more prone to scarring, and a large amount of dwarves are amputed, even of parts of their faces. It's not uncommon to see them with skin grafts of salmons.


Life rythmn

Outside caves, dwarves can work all year long as long as the temperature doesn't exceed 16°C (60°F) at which point they migrate to caves until the temperatures becomes bearable again. In caves, they tend to stop working during early spring and survive off of the food they have gathered during the year. Therefore, both outside and inside dwarves go through a period of hibernation during which they lose a good amount of body mass. However, because of their more serious vitamin deficit, some inside dwarves regularily wake up from hibernation to bask in sunlight, possibly using this opportunity to re-fuel with a hearty meal.

Dwarven trade

Very dependent of other species to gather the ingredients necessary for their nourrishing cream and to vary their diet, dwarves are great traders and seek to satisfy all parties involved when dealing. Their difficulties leaving the mountains also makes them specialists and their quality of their goods are certified. Although the flow of trade slows down a great amount during their hibernation period, the amount of business partners do not seem to have lowered.


Despite being open to foreign trade, dwarves are less inclined to accepting foreigners into their caves. Keeping to themselves in regards of outside politics, the only topics they seem to care about is trade and other dwarven issues. In cases of wars, they prefer to stay neutral. Southern dwarves are more likely to trade with both warring countries than their nothern cousins.


Dwarves typically wear rather light clothing under warm coats, sometimes paired with leather or steel protective elements (such as helmets and chestplates) to keep themselves from the possible dangers of mining while still allowing airflow the further they mine.  

Marital practices

Marriage is typically celebrated privately, held by one of the eldest dwarf of the clan after each of the party has spend four years living with each other, and two years with each other's family. This is done to ensure fidelity and good relations on both sides. Prior feuds between members of different families are put aside for the sake of the newlyweds. Divorce is rare and widows are more common since the beginning of the Puchwot epidemic. Marriage offers a couple of benefits, such as the legal right to have biological children, or legal right for the newlyweds to formally live together.   Shown below the marital marks worn by females and males respectively after the marriage    

Laws, crimes and justice system

There are factually very few laws ruling dwarven societies, and most of the time, because they are non-hierarchial societies, there is almost no use for them. Murder, for example, is punished more severly if the accused cannot prove they were acting out of self-defense. Theft and adultery are the most severly punished crimes which can lead to forced exile with or without branding. Dwarven justice is given by a group of elder dwarves, taking into account the opinion of the other dwarves present during the judgment process. These dwarves have to be unrelated to both the crime and the involved parties.  

Social markers

Dwarves have a small but concise variety of social markers, the most important ones being facial markings, hair growing and clothing. As mentionned above, dwarves typically wear light clothing at the exception of children and sick or pregnant individuals, who tend to not live or work in the deepest caves. It's interesting to note that working while in hindering condition (not of age, ill, pregnant or nursing) can be punished. Individuals are encouraged to take care of their bodies first and foremost.   Facial marking presentend below, from left to right and top to bottom, male and female youngsters, scientist        


Yepyeyw Mû Aheksaw
Kuw Aheksaw
Average lifespan
280 years
Average height
130 cm (51.1 in)
2 children per female