Language codes

In multiple articles, you will find the etymology of names and words in the sidebar. In order to not overpack the small section with too much info, language codes are used to simplify everything.
  Here is a list of all the language codes used:   ara → arabic (ISO 639-2)
arn → mapuche (ISO 639-2)
bre → breton (ISO 639-2)
chî → ĉhîkise
dan → danish (ISO 639-2)
dut → dutch (ISO 639-2)
emr → emraren
eng → english (ISO 639-2)
ger → german (ISO 639-2)
gle → irish (ISO 639-2)
grc → ancient greek (ISO 639-2)
hts → hadza (ISO 639-2)
isl → icelandic (ISO 639-2)
jpn → japanese (ISO 639-2)
lat → latin (ISO 639-2)
lav → latvian (ISO 639-2)
mfe → mauritian creole (ISO 639-2)
wel → welsh (ISO 639-2)