Mana Gathering

There are two ways to manipulate the world, Mana Gathering and Flow Control. Both of these have different rates of apparition depending on the given species and an individual affinity with the magic manipulation technique.
  Mana Gathering is the oldest technique, running through each living being since the Creation. Intangible, it exists in varying quantities in each of us. But having a good amount of Mana in one's body isn't enough, as you need to be able to control it to prevent it from harming you in the long run.   Mana, if left unruled for too long, generally fragilize the internal system of the person. For most creatures, through evolution, Mana can present as an outgrowth reducing the harm done to the body.   Mana Gathering is the term used to refer to the practice of using one's own Mana to perform feats of magic. It's the only magic that can be learned.   However, even Mana answers to some rules; for example, as of the current time, there is no way to get rid of one's own Mana completely and only a prolonged and heavy use can empty the Mana of someone. In the same vein, Mana cannot be exchanged nor given to someone else, even if the reciever is also a Mana Gatherer. When a wielder of Mana dies, their Mana returns to the world, either finding a new wielder or joining a Flow.   Once a certain amount of Mana has been used, it will naturally replenish itself over a period of time depending on the Gatherer. The process can be sped up with the use of potions and specific breathing techniques.