Arvian - secret research - project sanctuary approval memo

Memorandum - RD-SAP-PA-N295-PS
To: SDB (strategic development board)
From: Dagmawi Trefo, Head of planer studies
Subject: Notice for Approval of project 295 - Sanctuary
    In light of the newest threat reports, and the alleged information exchange and aid between Spheria and Véalcir. We move even closer, to a potential armed conflict. With a higher likelihood of Spheria and Véalcir, joining force against us. With this conflict on all of our minds, and I know of the strategic concerns against such a partnership. We at the Planer studies project devision, have worked on a project. that may just give us the advantage, we would need if a joint effort should be meade against us. With theis steps toward escalation, and the new funds added to the military resache projects fund. I think project Sanctuary has come to a point where a strong defence might just be the offensive edge we would need.
    The project based on the idéer of planer shifting the entire city to where time is more malleable. By this allow us not to stop time completely, but to slow it enough for us to be able to counter anything. Essentially giving us all the time that we would need or want, to deal with whatever might come our way. Do to the natur for this project, no testing have been done yet do no founding for safety measures. In regards to the theoretical aspects of the project, there is alot of good work alrady done her. What we would need is permision and founding, to start building and emplementing a secure test site with propper safety measures. In extension to this we would also need founds for hours, of our top researcher in the requied feilds, to draw all their collective focus onto the project. Do to the projects natur and what we try to achieve with it. I would recommend it being run as an Special Access Program, and compartmentalised for the obvious safety concerns regading this. With the boards approval and allocation of funds, we would start project planing as soon as possible.
    If approved and backed by the citys leadership, project Sanctuary is a ultimate defense project of Arvian. Not enough with it potently solving all our furtur military concerns, it could also lead to much more interesting advantage. Food, Supplies, knowledge ans so much more could be at our behest.

    Dagmawi Trefo, Head of planer studies
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