Cinder archipelago


The archipelago is located in the westeren part of the Emdrian ocean, just south of Galdrian and east of Tarnamaris. The topography varies, with mountainous terrain, jungles and narrow to large coastal lowlands.    


  Types of Climates
  • Tropical Rainforest - Found in lush, forested areas with abundant rainfall.
  • Tropical Monsoon - Common in the wet season, bringing evening thunderstorms and heavy rain.
  • Tropical Savanna - Occurs in some regions with distinct wet and dry seasons.
  • Dry Subtropical - found on the more sutheren ilse
  • Humid Subtropical - Found at higher altitudes.
  • Oceanic - Also at higher altitudes, with cooler temperatures.
  Seasons there are manly only to types of seasons, fount in the Cinder archipelago.

Wet Season is marked by heavy rains due to the summer monsoon.
Dry Season is when cooler air arrives from the winter winds from south-east.
    Overall the Cinder archipelago experiences warm temperatures, oppressive humidity, and abundant rainfall. With the very high humidity due to the islands equatorial location.

  Natural resources include its climate, water supply, soil, vegetation, and the surrounding ocean. The rich soil supports crops of most kinds. Do to the lager veriaty in climates availble, it is poseble to set up argoculture of most crops here. The main cropes exported is suger, a local fruit called Meditalnas also known as Medita, medical herbs and herbs for potion making and spell craft.    

Local Phenomena

Do the very high volcanic activity in the region currently, a lot of new land masses are start to emerge.    

Flora & Fauna


Endemic Plants

Platinwood - Found only on the slopes of the easteren ilse, the Platinwood boasts striking platin foliage and rare infrequent flowering. Thi lamau - With vibrant red blossoms, this tree plays a significant role in cinder mythology and the archipelago ecosystems.  

Native Birds


Marine Life


Invasive Species



The archipelago island groups have a long history, of rivallry and infithing. Most of which is mainly seen as political, trade or similar disputes.
Alternative Name(s)
Cinder isles


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