Guild chair


Ten years of work for the guild as a member, usually work as a master for the guild. In rear cases, important works as a journeyman also qualifies. Good standing with the local leaders and social classes that the guild interacts with in order to work and operate. In very special cases, the normal qualification and or requirements. Can be swayed because of an act or series of acts, that significantly boost the standing or situations of the guild.


Must be a master of the guild, and be voted for by a majority of the other masters of the guild.


They are responsible for the guild larger image and acknowledgement by local leadership. They also define the larger lines of the guild and its rules. In ruling matters, all chair members of the guild table votes on whatever the matter may be. And discourse the matter until a consensus is reached, for what the guild ruling is on the matter.


A guild chair usually holds a significant sway in local politics, and is of the highest respect in the guild. They are also fairly well compensated for their leadership role, to where the highest of chairs are compensated enough to not even have to do their trade anymore.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

A chair member can only be removed or dismissed by a unanimous vote from the rest of the table or in case of only a majority vote, a special member vote can be called for where the voting allowed members of the guild as a whole then vote. A forced removal is almost never seen, because of the organization's structure. Most Chair members step down them self, or there space becomes available do to their death.
Form of Address
Guild Master holder of the # chair
Alternative Naming
Master, chair master or #chair
Source of Authority
the higher mebers of the guild vote in chairholders
Length of Term
Until they resigne or are asked by the guild table to leave
Related Organizations


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