Petri michor


The cave entrance lies at the foot of a medium-sized mountain, with open grassland op to the canyon where the mouth of the cave system is. This can be found in the northeastern part of Fendrel, quite a bit in from the coastline.


The cave systems have its own small, but complete ecosystem. Water flows down from the mountain, through small cracks, fissures and tunnels, providing water for the whole system. It has its own geothermal heat source, that provides microclimates in different parts of the system. Flora and founa lives here, with no influens or need for the surface.


The layout of the cave system, creates these microclimates in diffrent parts of the cave system. At the lower leves it is more dry, almost dessert, shavanna like. Futher up it is tropical, then larger parts are temprate and at the top of the cave system, it is very cold and frezzing.

Localized Phenomena

within the cave system and the mountian itself, if something is mined, a tree chopped or a flower picked, it is back as it was in a cople of weeks. It is like the area replenises it self, if a natrual change happens, it stays that way. But if somthing not natrual happens to any part of it eco system, it returns to what it was, and should be.

Fauna & Flora 

It have its one, bat like creatures, insects, carnivors, herbevors, omnivors worms and bacteria.

Natural Resources

Because of the replenishing nature of the area, any resource found here are abounded. The cave system holds almost anything needed wood, plant fibers, food both plant based and wildlife, medecinal herbs, basic spices, flowers and insects of dye, metals of many natures, salts, special rock types, water, heat any natural thing that could be needed.


It was first discovered 12 years after The ending war began. A group of travellers stumbled across it, when they were looking for shelter for the night.
Alternative Name(s)
Cave of salvation, the eternety cave
Cave System
Location under


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