Sphere transport

Sphere transport is a formation made to treverse the vicinity of the sphere and try and protect from its effects. The formation is made of multiple lays of people, mages and sacreficail folk, to find and locate the sphere effects before it can affect what is transport under this formation. It is consiided, only for the most inportent of transports do the asummed the cost of it.



It requires a minimum of 32 people and six mages. This minimum only works for short distances and smaller things to get protected.


This is a protective formation, to try and ensure the safe transport of people or things within the area of the stronger sphere effects.
The way this is achieved is by having a double diamond formation around what is being protected. The inner diamond is usually comprised of more veteran soldiers. The outer diamond of less experienced soldiers or more common folk trained to partake in this formation type. To this there are at least two groups of roaming lookouts, and within the four groups there are mages strategically placed.
For lager types of this formation, there are extra roaming groups, that circle in and out of the outer perimeter and inside the outer diamond formation. The mages also roam within their own patterns, to avoid them being targeted by externals parties trying to cripple the formation.


Training differs on which group sub formation on is in. The inner diamond group main focus is protection and combat. The first roaming group is also protection and combat, and designed to inter change with the inner diamond. Thees two groups are the focus point for when a non-magical threat is spotted. The second roaming group are spotters trained to spot abnormalities, and the mages of this group are extra heavily trained to notice and detect plainer shifts and energy repels. The second roaming group and the second diamond group are both trained to spot and give any support that the two first groups may need. Any additional groups just add to the man count and tidiness of the formation.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 11, 2024 15:19 by Marjorie Ariel

You do a great job of explaining what the protection looks like, but I'm not entirely clear what they are protecting things from. You might use a tooltip or add some information into the sidebar to provide a brief explanation of the sphere and sphere effects. I'm also curious to know more about the sacrificial folk? Is this a class or people who elect to be sacrificial? Are they born to it? Is it a punishment?