Taldrimar (Tal|Dri|Mar)

(a.k.a. Lady of the Ethermist)

Taldrimar or better known as lady of the Ethermist.
  As an older entity without a mortal form, TalDriMar is often referred to as her or she. With this prejudice, it is often the form she shows when needed.
TalDriMar is known by many names through the years, but the one that seems to stay in history, is lady of the Ethermist.

  TalDriMar rules over the places between and around others. Her influence reaching far and into every aspect of reality itself, and the borders between sanity and madness. Her ever watching presence, touching all that wander the realms, both physically and mentally. Willing to strike a deal, and draw a pact, With anyone whom pecks her interest. Because of her reach and influence, just if someone's consciousness is interested in power or radical change, a pact can be sealed without the creature making its own knowledge.
  Many of whom suddenly have gained power, without their own knowledge. Have usually made a pact with her, in their subconscious or unconscious mind, might even in their conscious mind daydreaming of power. A lot of strange occurrences have been thought to be her doing, whether true or not, only she knows if she would care to remember. Much of what is thought about her intentions, seed of mischief and chaos. Seems to be the main things people attribute to her. Not that the common individual thinks or knows much of her. The orders and clergies deal with her influences, on behalf of their deities.

  Even the gods them self, recognizes her power and dominion. Especially Darkera and Rhyxina who overlap her main paths of influence. They know that TalDriMars existence is necessary. Because what they originally tried to do for Enimales, she is now doing and maintaining.


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