Temple of warding

Purpose / Function

The original intend for the building, were as a protected testing facility, of the plainer and chrono magics used for project sanctuary.


One of the main testing chanbers have been made into a shrine of the warding effect of the building.


The architecture is a mix between functionalism and Rundbogenstil. It is a fairly boring looking building, build for a functional purpose. But later modified externally, to fit in a bit better in the sounding city area. Even though it is a faninating building, it is not much to look at.


The defences of the building, is designed to keep experiments and their energies in. To achieve this, the building is made out of solid deep rock, lined with a thin membrane of platinum covered by deep slate. The thick solid walls provide a heavy mass for physical protection, and the extra mass helps slow most energy weaves. The slate and platinum membrane is in where the warding magics are placed. There were layered many protective magics onto of each other, to provide the necessary protection from the work originally performed here. Some rooms have extra and different enchantments laced into the walls.


Originally build in one of the smaller outer districts of Arvian, to house the work and experimentation for project sanctuary. In the later part of the changes caused by the sphere. The continent piece of Fendrel on which it was build, shifted far south to what is now the southern part of The Shattering. Over time, the protective enchantments and ward put on the building, started to expand their reach beyond the building itself. Extending to cover most of the islands where it now resides. The effects seem to nullify, most of the abnormal workings of the shattering. Because of this, many in the shattering have come to is island, seeking the refuge and reassurance that this effect provides. Although the magic is not understood today, it is still revered.


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