The ending war


The ending war was the end result of decades of political cold war. in wich the three major city-states of Fendrel Arvian, Spheria and Vélacir. Had fueded over everthing from land to prober arcane practices. That cold war were mainly about the power of the nations, and whoms might where largest. What finally set of the actual war, were the demonstration of a new peice of magic that would give Arvian a sicnificant strageic advantaged. The demonstration did not go to plan, and resultet in a disaster that were seen as hostile intend by the two others.


The war ended up lasting for almost two decades. Even though Arvian took a lot of the hit from the failed demonstration, they were still quite a adversary in the war. At the start of the war, it was Shperia and Vélacir against Arvian. It was the news of this temporay partnership that, gave opetunety for the development of the magic that started the war. The partnership between Shperia and Vélacir did only last the first couple of years of the war. From there on out it were a full trepart war, puching of domenece of the region and atempting to stabalize it again.


At first only Arvian had all its military assetes engeaged in the conflict. Where both Spheria and Vélacir holded back larger regiments and their reserves, out of fear for the other takeing the initiative to seiase their city. Some devisions of regiments were at the begining, to clear out the city-states respective ceviliance from the main conflict area and the effected area of the spheres influance.


The battlefield were at the begining the border section between all three city-states. But as the sphere effects grouw stronger, and Vélacir eventelly turned on the former partnership with Spheria. The war spreed to all borders, and eventelly even longer out of their original terretoris as they were pushed out from the spheres effects.

The War

After the enitial diaster of the demonstration, moved both Spheria and Vélacir flanking batalions in from fether in their own lands towards Arvian. to try and force the main battle towards their joint campgin forces at the tri section of the state borders. The first larger engagement ended in a darw, both sides were disamated by the effect on the area. The joint army and the Arvian army, were both using their normal warfare stratergies. But not having much luck with it. both armies were not realy doing anything towards each other, whille the new dangers of the changing enviorment, were tearing at them. within a few weeks the Spherian and Vélaciren joint army whitdrew from the engagement. To restrategize on the new enermy of the area it self, and the now very dangerous part of the world they now found themself living in.
The following mounths where primarly border skirmishes, and atempt to tactily map the changes and dangers of the sphere effects. Doing this time, many allies were atempted to be contacted for help. But now one out of Fendrel, seemed to be able to be reached by magical means. messengers were sendt out, but returend quickly when they failed in leaving the area suround Fendrel. A berrier had seemenly surounded the entire continet, and were locked in here.

The war progresed slowly, with the lack of access to remote resureses and allies. A lot of terretory where taken and lost by all sides. but eventualy the war ended with the destruction or abnodenment for the tri state area alltogether. with now winners of the war and only a few survivors.    


The larger results for the war, were the comlepte fall of all three city-states most of their population. The area newly formed by the sphere effects, and roaming with monstrosities and monsters. In these new condtionens, almost all of civilised life in the area were lost. From wich only very few survived.


Historical significance

Even though not many know of it, it was the final end to what was Fendrel. Although there were no winners of the war, it changed evertinhg for Fendrel. Over the years after the war, the effects contimued to influence the intirer continent. After a few centrires the barrier sourounding the continet disapeared, but only after the continent had been riped apart and Fendrel were no more.
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