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The Eye of Calthon (CAL (as in calorie) - thon)

The Eye of Calthon was an extremely powerful and secretive order of human wizards during the Kalyxian Empire. They had great influence over Kalyx, and were one of the main sources of his might. He used their deep and ancient knowledge of the magical arts to increase his military power and further his domination over his empire, and in return, he gave them a monopoly over magical education and regulation during his reign. When Tanyx took over the empire, he opened up magical knowledge by creating The Imperial Academy. However, he allowed the Order to choose apprentices from among its students and to hold a great deal of power over how the school was run. The Order continued to be selective in who they deemed worthy of their knowledge, and tested the students vigorously to see who would have the honor of learning their ways.   After the collapse of the empire, the Order fell prey to conspiracy and paranoia. They had lost their political sway, and their numbers were dwindling as they took fewer and fewer apprentices. Fearing that their secrets may be discovered, and believing that there was no one left in the world who is worthy to learn the magical arts, they disappeared in the late Bellum Aetate, taking their last stronghold, the Imperial Academy of Magic, with them.


  • Apprentice - Selected for displaying an aptitude for magic, begins at 10-18 years old, can last 10-20 years.
  • Practitioner - The average magic user, licensed to practice magic independently. Many never progress past this stage. Most “town wizards” were Practitioners. Able to take on an apprentice.
  • Adept - A highly skilled magic user, able to practice magic in the military, allowed to learn more powerful magic to use in warfare.
  • Eye - Judges and enforcers of magical law in the Kalyxian Empire, also able to adjudicate minor or local internal disputes.
  • Acolyte - keepers and guardians of the Order’s secrets, and servants and assistants to the Elders. Many acolytes are technically less skilled than other levels, however their position gives them access to more secrets. They are chosen for their wisdom and intelligence rather than their magical capacity.
  • Elder - A council of 9 elders rules over the Order with complete impunity. When one of them dies, an Acolyte is elevated to fill their position.


Through it all, the defining trait of the Order is that they guard their secrets closely. From its conception, the Order belived that only the worthy could truly master the deeper magical secrets they posessed, and that to teach any magic to the unworthy was dangerous and irresponsible. At their start, they were cautious but reasonable, choosing only those with the greatest magical aptitude. As they lost power, they became more and more paranoid. Disagreements sprang up over how potential initiates should be tested, they began to use more riddles and moral dilemmas, and the numbers fell as fewer were able to pass the more rigorous standards.   Additionally, the Order was deeply prejudiced, and believed that all non-humans were unworthy and incapable of mastering the deeper secrets of magic.   A council of elders ruled with impunity over the Order, and they had a complex system of hierarchy starting with apprentices and ending with elders. Progress through this hierarchy was slow and political, as the Council of Elders would choose who was tested to move up in the ranks, and administer the tests personally. The process was supposedly impartial and merit based, but currying favor with the Elders certainly never hurt.
Guild, Mages

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