Doviak Emir Character in Enos | World Anvil
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Doviak Emir

Doviak Emir (a.k.a. The Vengeful)

Doviak Emir is the great grandson of Gwynok-Liath Emir, who was a famous hero who was known for slaying Giants in his younger days. Doviak is the youngest member of his entire family and has a lot to live up to if he wants to prove worthy of his name. So, to begin his journey to glory, Doviak has set out to become a bounty hunter among the dangerous land of Draxus.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

After years of training with his father and brothers, Doviak possesses an incredible physique that is very broad, muscular, and structured. He is the second tallest member of his family at an astounding 6'8".

Body Features

Doviak, hailing from his Red Dragon heritage, has red, scaly skin covering the length of his entire body. He also has large, protruding spikes that run down his back.

Facial Features

Doviak has a well-structured face with a tipped snout and spikes running along the back of his head. He also has ridged folds along each side of his head which blend into the spikes on top of his head. Finally, Doviak possesses two large horns that sprout from just behind his eyes and point backward.

Identifying Characteristics

Doviak is quite proud of his large horns as, in his family, are a sign of a strong spirit. Also, an interesting feature of Doviak's is that his eyes and spikes on his back glow orange when he uses his breath weapon.

Apparel & Accessories

Doviak bears the armor given to him by the bounty hunting guild known as the Ah'Rah Klung. This plate armor possesses both plate and chainmail that results in a protective, durable, and fairly light set of armor, however, due to Doviak's size and features, his armor set possesses no helmet or sabatons. Doviak's left pauldron bears a symbol given by the Ah'Rah Klung based on an induction trial. Doviak's symbol is a rune retaining the words of the guild's ancient language that read, "Eternal Strength".

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Doviak comes from a long line of famous adventurers, wealthy merchants, and renown warriors that prove the Emir name is one to be reckoned with. Doviak's father, Gywnok, is an incredibly talented and famous blacksmith known for his work using rare and dangerous materials to forge his crafts. The Emir heirloom, in fact, is an incredibly powerful weapon forged by Gywnok known as the Dawnbreaker. Doviak, being the youngest of his family, feels that he is under quite a bit of pressure due to wanting to live up to his family name in hopes of proving himself worthy of the Emir name.


In his younger years, Doviak's mother, Narina, gave her best efforts to teach Doviak alongside his many other young siblings the history of Enos and important things to understand. Doviak, after these years, has a basic understanding of the world and a typical school curriculum.


Doviak, living in a small village populated by mostly his family, had a few jobs under his siblings and relatives, however, spent most of his time assisting his father with small orders such as daggers and arrows.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Doviak, along with the help of his new friends, successfully defeated and turned in his first bounty and received his reward of 5,000 gold pieces.

Failures & Embarrassments

He failed to protect his brother during a bandit attack, resulting in the death of his brother and the loss of several of their valuables and equipment. Doviak also feels weak when around some of the other members of the Troll Skull Manor, as he feels self-conscious of his own abilities when compared to the strength of his companions.

Mental Trauma

Doviak is still traumatized over watching his brother being murdered in front of him by bandits during an attack. He was frozen by fear and felt helpless during the attack and is haunted by his brother's agonizing screams.

Intellectual Characteristics

Doviak has a strong belief that actions speak louder than words as he understands that a strong arm can prove more effective than a convincing tongue in most situations.

Morality & Philosophy

Doviak believes that those who fight with him are worth fighting for. He understands that not everyone can defend themselves as well as he and he strives to protect his companions.

Personality Characteristics


After the failure to save his brother, Doviak's main motivation in life is to protect his friends and companions from injury to the best of his ability, which he fears isn't enough.

Likes & Dislikes

Doviak likes spending time training with Dawnbreaker and also spending time with his companions. He also likes splitting the skulls of heretics and monsters. Doviak typically dislikes almost being killed, which has happened twice.

Virtues & Personality perks

Doviak is a strong-willed fighter in the midst of combat. He uses his martial prowess and holy abilities to gain the upper hand on his opponents and achieve victory.

Vices & Personality flaws

Doviak's biggest flaw is his anxiety and insecurities. He fears that his strength will not be enough to save the ones he loves and this fear often eats away at his confidence.


Doviak is quite a clean person and manages to clean himself every other day or so. He also makes sure to keep his spikes and horns in good management.


Contacts & Relations

Doviak has a few relations in Draxus, such as the many guilds located in Ketterdam, the Ah'Rah Klüng, and his family's village, Emir's Rest. Other than that, Doviak has no bitches.

Family Ties

Doviak has strong relations with his family, who are located in their village known as Emir's Rest. The village consists of most of the Emir family but also features a few foreign residents.

Religious Views

Doviak believes in the concept of destiny and that the events in our lives are planned and meant to happen and cannot be altered. The events that experience are necessary for us to strive towards our greatest goal, however, Doviak often questions this belief as he wonders whether the death of his brother was destined or if he was just too weak to save him.


Doviak's mannerisms display an attitude of confidence and strong morality.

Hobbies & Pets

Doviak enjoys training with Dawnbreaker, working on or repairing his gear, and serving at the bar. Doviak has two animal companions: Juan, his warhorse, and Jeremy, his pet rat.


Doviak's tongue conveys a deep, confident, yet emotionally unstable tone.

Wealth & Financial state

Doviak possesses quite a heft pouch of gold after turning in his bounty of 5,000 gold pieces. However, he often doesn't like to spend too much money as he feels he is being irresponsible with his funds.

A Paladin trying to seek vengeance for the loss of someone dear to him. Doviak will find peace through his actions to defend his companions and hopefully redeem himself for his failure to save his best friend.

View Character Profile
Neutral Evil
Date of Birth
6th of Sena, 7963
Emir's Rest
Current Residence
The Troll Skull Manor, The North Ward, Ketterdam
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
312 lbs.
Quotes & Catchphrases
"My life is already being threatened by a maid outfit." "I'm gonna sleep under my horse and let him piss on me." "Women are infertile." "It was consensual blasting." "Images of you naked!" *dances* "Apothus awaits your demise!" "Apothus guides my arm!"
Known Languages
Doviak can read, write, and speak Common, Draconic, and Dwarvish.

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