Torvan Dranyekha Character in Enos | World Anvil
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Torvan Dranyekha

Torvan Dranyekha

A cleric in heavy plate with an accent hinting at their origin of Elken and a predisposition towards tinkering and brawling.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

An imposing figure in towering plate with built in powered mechanics based on ancient Elken design with a glowing mask which has the common effect of scaring those around them.

Body Features


Facial Features


Apparel & Accessories

Torvan always dons a custom suit of armor of an incredibly ancient design with their signature mask and crimson robes. On their hip a custom forged longsword rests and a shield bearing the twin symbols of their deities rests on their back when not in use.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Those around them often know little about the imposing cleric except that they're Elken in origin and they are currently detached to the Order of the Gauntlet from another order in Elken.




Though not the most bright of individuals in terms of history they are incredibly gifted with mechanical designs, tinkering, and crafting focused around metals and engineering.


They are formally a probationary loaned member of the Order of the Gauntlet and hold membership in another unknown order.

Accomplishments & Achievements


Failures & Embarrassments


Mental Trauma


Morality & Philosophy



They seem to be incredibly defensive of children and seem to be against any of those who would harm one.

Personality Characteristics


Their motivations seem simple; to tinker, craft, and adventure in the name of their twin gods.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

They are incredibly gifted with technology and divine magic.

Likes & Dislikes

They seem to care for and defend children while harboring a deep hatred of those who kill without cause.

Virtues & Personality perks

They're fairly generous and forgiving to those who are less than fortunate.

Vices & Personality flaws

They're incredibly wrathful and sadistic to a concerning degree to the rest of the party.

Personality Quirks

They are incredibly specific about generally not being seen without their signature mask/helmet and crimson robes.


Contacts & Relations

Savra Belebranta - A member of the Order of the Gauntlet who the party saw Torvan converse with privately.

Family Ties


Religious Views

Devout cleric of Tomir and Pythas, the twin gods.

Social Aptitude

Due to the terrifying nature of their outer appearance they seem to not be the most socially apt, though they have a way of calming children.


They speak in a distinctly Elken accent with the specific dialect suggesting a northwestern place of origin within Elken. For some reason being an anti-magic field rendered them mute for reasons which the party are keen on learning..

Wealth & Financial state

A not-insignificant sum of money from the share of the Trollskull Manor as well as the bounty collected by Doviak.

The odd but very gifted tinkerer and brawler of the TBD.

View Character Profile
[?]. Elken
Current Residence
Trollskull Manor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Fuck off."
Known Languages
They are fluent in Common, Elvish, Celestial, and Primordial in addition to their mother tongue of Elken.

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