The Government of Centurion

Led by Primex Vedmar Madrogal since the city of Centurion's founding in the early years of the Age of Six, the city's government, called the Primex Council, has four other members. They are, according to role  
  1. The Defense Primarch, currently Feron Coyle,
  2. The People's Primarch, currently Rhanduil Morningsky,
  3. The State's Primarch, currently Lathlaril Vaven, and
  4. The Stewardship Primarch, currently Hailey Schwarzbach.
Each of the Primarchs have a five-person Advisory Committee, members of which they hand-select according to their own criteria. The People's Primarch is the exception, as they must choose members of the Centuri Senate to form their Advisory Committee - one member from each annulus, one from outside the city on the island, and a fifth of their choosing from greater Nurik.   The Defense Primarch is responsible for the upkeep and defense of Centurion, and by extension the entirety of The Fraisian Grand Alliance. They are the de facto leader of the Centuri Security, which is the state military wing of the Centurion government. They are elected via a summit held in Centurion, and the position is held for life. The electors are comprised of current and former faculty and graduates of the Primex Arcanium, previous members of any Defense Advisory Committee still living, and noble wards.   The People's Primarch is the head of the Centuri Senate. In addition to those duties, they are responsible for issuing proclamations on behalf of the Primex, and serving as the voice of the people in Council meetings. They are elected by a ranked-choice vote among the Senate and are installed when the Primex seats the body.   The State's Primarch leads the government's diplomatic corps, and often is gone from the capital to attend to matters abroad on behalf of the Primex. The Primacy's Ambassador Corps choses from among its own ranks who they wish to represent them, and may choose the current State's Primarch if they so wish.   The Stewardship Primarch is the de facto leader of The Stewards. They are responsible for ensuring that organization upkeeps structures and public works projects throughout the city, and secretly serves as the spymaster for the clandestine operations their organization oversees. Its leader is hand-picked by the Primex when the Senate is seated.   Interim Primarchs are picked by the Primex, and serve until the next time the Senate is seated.   In addition to the Centuri Senate, the Centuri Security, and the Stewards, The Esper Front guards against intra- and extraplanar forces, and the Primex Arcanium trains war mages for the state. All of these organizations have the Primex at the head of their organizational structure save for the Senate, but its leader answers to the Primex directly. Below are further details on the groups that do not have their own separate entries.  

The Centuri Senate

The Centuri Senate is a 150-member body led by the People's Primarch. Every two years, one annulus of the city elects a number of Senators equal to the number of rings in their annulus, and every eight years the People's Primarch is elected along with those at-large from among those on the island outside the city. This way, each Senator and the People's Primarch serve eight-year terms. The four rings of Annulus One that form the Primex's palace are the exception to this, with a Primarch being assigned to each. As the staff of the palace, composed entirely of Centurions, always votes the way the Primex intends, the Primarchs always serve on the Senate.   Elections begin on Seeding Day (Quanta 1) of each year and conclude after the Festival of Breezes on the 30th of the same month. Newly-elected officials then take office one month later on Voyager's Day (Quinta 30). Therefore, Annulus One, which is the central governmental district of the city, elects twenty-four Senators. Annulus Two elects thirty-six Senators, and Annulus Three elects seventy-two. The remaining eighteen are from outside the city. (For more information on how the city is divided up, see the main article on Centurion.)   The People's Primarch is chosen from among the current Senate, and the current People's Primarch is barred from running again (though they are welcome to run for the Senate and be chosen again in subsequent elections, though the stress of the office makes this infrequent.)   Any non-Centurion, free-born Centuri citizen is free to run for the Senate, though they may only be seated in the Senate by the Primex. Only four times in recorded history has the Primex refused to seat a duly elected Senator, and in each case, they were found to be "abhorrently immoral," a legal term in the city describing people in violation of major taboo laws.  

The Centuri Security

The Centuri Security is the state's military, and together its land and joint naval and airborne forces form the entirety of its standing army. While the Security is led by the Primex directly, each branch is ran by a separate general. Each general reports to the Defense Primarch, who in turn reports back to the Primex. While the generals are usually left to their own devices, the Primarch overseeing them is responsible for coordinating their efforts. The rank-and file of the Security is further organized by a hierarchy that other militaries across the world have copied.  
Rank Land Security Rank Abbreviation Airborne/Naval Security Rank Abbreviation
EI Private PRI Junior Air/Seaman JSE
EII Second Lieutenant SEL Air/Seaman SEA
EIII First Lieutenant FIL Leading Air/Seaman LSE
EIV Lance Corporal LAC Petty Officer POF
EV Master Lance Corporal MLC Officer OFF
OI Captain CPT Lieutenant Commander LCM
OI Major MAJ Commander CMD
OII Lieutenant Colonel LCO Senior Commander SCO
OII Colonel COL Vice Commodore VCO
OIII Brigadier BGE Commodore COM
OIV Major General MGE Vice Admiral VAD
OV General GEN Admiral ADM
Leader Primex PMX Primex PMX

The Primex Arcanium

Founded even before the formation of the Centuri Security, the Primex Arcanium is the oldest war college on Enos. Its four schools each focus on a separate aspect of war magic, and it administers a fifth school dedicated entirely to military strategy which members of the Security, Esper Front, and Stewards must all attend to reach high leadership positions within their ranks. Each of the schools are called Pursuits, and are each led by mages and strategists that make up a body known as the Parliament of Peers.   The Pursuit of Harm. Led by Peer Evoker Eskan Dalmerche, this school concerns itself with the offensive aspects of magic, training powerful evokers.   The Pursuit of Security. Led by Peer Abjurist Alvine Remmius, this school trains the abjurists and other defense-minded mages.   The Pursuit of Adaptability. Led by Peer Arcanist Nelvyna Min'arant, this school teaches those arcanists which seek to control the battlefield through utility.   The Pursuit of Equivocation. Led by Peer Deceiver Yai Narinazu, this school instructs its students in the art of mind control and subtle magics.   The Pursuit of Strategy. Led by MGE Karlin Jensen, this school, while non-magical, is mandatory for any member wishing to advance beyond the Second Officer (OII) rank in the Centuri Security, Esper Front, or the Primacy Stewardship of His Grace.