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This world is being torn apart by its gods who have split into two courts, the Corvile (the gods and goddesses of the corrupted, or who have been corrupted themselves) and the Autnea (the gods and goddesses of the uncorrupted or pure). Every god and goddess was born through believe which created a power gap amongst them that was exploited by the news god, Khydarr (key-darr (roll the r)). He preyed upon the weakness amongst the gods and goddesses and started a war between them that has torn the world they look after apart. In an effort to try and bring balance back to Enoth the Autnea began to bring souls from other worlds, gave them the choice to be their champions or to pass on to their afterlives, wherever that may be. If they choose to become champions then they became the race known as the Starborn. When the Corvile found out about this they began to bring in their own souls with the strict purpose of causing even more chaos and destruction in the world. These souls became known as the Chaosfallen.   Both god chosen races were given special powers by their new gods. Our newest hero is Soliana an elf of a long forgotten race called the Nelliid (nel-lied). They are a race of elves who disappeared right before the first Convulsion. One has not been seen since; very few of their structures are left after nearly six ages and even less of their history and knowledge. Soliana is now the sole being with all of that knowledge locked away inside her head. She must now work to right the wrongs around her to the best of her ability with no real guidance from anyone but herself and those few who she truly trusts.

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