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Aerisian Education

Aeris has a unique education system, with a centralized free public education system. Led by the Medical District, the school in Aeris teaches the entirety of its population in one building.   Children start their education at 8 and graduate at 17.

Historical Details


The typical Aeris course schedule is as follows, with six extracurricular courses requied for graduation.   Year one
Addition and subtraction
The common alphabet
Introduction to the Districts

Year two
Multiplication and division
Education of Aeris I (government, explanation of graduation)
Common class I
  Year three
Basics in manners
Common class II

Year four
A culture course of a race of your choosing
Practical math (taxes, finances)
A language (not Common) of your choosing
  Year five
Extracurricular course of your choosing
Education of Aeris II (In depth on careers, explanation of ruler selection)
A language (not Common) of your choosing (continued)

Year six
First aid
A language (not Common) of your choosing (continued II)
Extracurricular course of your choosing

Year seven
Extracurricular course of your choosing
The laws of Aeris

Year eight
Extracurricular course of your choosing
Practical arcana
Available substitutes: blacksmithing, agriculture basics
History of Gallison

Year nine
Biology of the common races
Available substitutes: Biology of Humanoids, Biology of Monsters
Basics in defensive arcana
Available substitutes: basics in blades, basics in long-ranged weaponry
Extracurricular course of your choosing


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