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Mekhi Founding Document

The Following document was originally written by Maat Kheru, with her daughter, Ka'Udjet.

Article 1

This article pertains to the official "Mekhi line" exclusively. This includes; the current head of house, her mother, if she is surviving, and the blood-line daughter if relevant. To ensure the authenticity of the family remains intact, it was decided that each heir shall be exclusively female following the extablishment of the contract with Asmodeus. To prevent diminution, each member of the Mekhi line shall be cursed to only have one child.

Article 2

In the event of the end of the Mekhi line, this contract will be rendered null and void. The end includes;
The death of each of the three listed above,
An official soul-breaking as outlined in Article 6,
The general disposement of significant ability.

Article 3

This contract outlines the rights and responsibilities of a member of the Mekhi house, with a special provision for the Head of House, who shall henceforth be referred to as the HoH. The following shall also apply to members of the house through marriage, although the HoH must remain of the line.

Article 4

As per the contract, the Mekhi line will experience great luck with gold and wealth. Insofar as no contracts are made with other devils, the Mekhi family will not become lemure's following their deaths. Their forms will be dependent on their abilities, but shall be considered elevated from other hell-bound. They shall be rewarded in measure of their contributions in the material plane. To ensure proper education and longevity of the line, the role of HoH shall be passed on upon the maturity of the daughter. This may be judged to be at the age of majority, marriage, or by her 50th year by the discretion of the current HoH.

Article 5

To maintain the rights granted to the Mekhi line, proper worship and respect for Asmodeus must be observed. The following are requried;
The establishment of a church in the families place of residence, with a Head Priest or Priestess appointed by the Hoh,
Regular church attendance or public observance for those who are physically capable,
False prophets or Gods shall not be observed,
The obedience to Asmodeus' plan and orders given by the lord himself,
The general quest of improvement of their personal and cultural standing in their place of residence.

Article 6

In the event that the following are not met, the typical soul-splitting procedures will be followed as per tiefling custom. The Head Priest or Priestess must meet with the family to discuss, and attempt to rectify, the above requirements. The following shall be viewed as official cause for instant annulment;
Officially leaving or abdicating the church,
The permanent destruction of the Church without the intent to rebuild or repair,
Or the official recognition of a "good-aligned" deity or pantheon for personal worship, besides false worship for the survival of the family.

Article 7

In the event of questions regarding this contract, the founder of the Mekhi line, Maat Kheru, may be contacted at any point by descendants via prayer.
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


Author's Notes

See Tiefling Wedding Traditions for information regarding Annulment and Soul-splitting procedures for the tiefling culture.

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