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Quinn's Town Introduction Excerpt

Written 2/1/22

It was hard to say who presented more surprise at their unexpected encounter in the woods. The adventuring group was initially taken aback, the head of the group almost dramatically causing the group to lunge backwards. Part of their surprise was based upon only expecting beasts and the occasional last vestiges of animal species that inhabited the wilds. The leader of the small group was Lucius, who could be considered relatively old for the military district. Nevertheless, the rest of the party stood back at first. They were far from the town at this point, having been traveling for the better part of the previous two days. It was relatively dark, past the last lights of sunset.   The forged was before them all in a clearing, having not yet noticed them. They were crouched, seemingly hunched over something. Lucius had seen many remains of forged before this moment, in various stages of disrepair. Most had just been limbs, strewn about. And they had been found on expeditions that went much further north, not just two days of travel and just south of Kleftis pass. Expecting to find another pile of remains he strode forwards, with the rest of the group following behind their appointed leader cautiously. In a moment of recklessness he grabbed the forged’s shoulder, pulling back. He expected the typical clattering as each part of them would fall apart. Instead, he was met with resistance. Feeling his heart skip a beat, he pulled harder.   The forged’s face turned towards his, pupiless large blue eyes staring straight into his soul. His composure crumbled, and he flung himself backwards in raw fear. The forged now turned their whole body, standing as they went. In their hands, a twig of petunias bloomed. Lucius now laid against the ground, heart pounding in his chest as he struggled to begin pushing himself up. He had hit his tailbone, and rockets of pain raced up his back. Behind him, the rest of his party made their own noises of proclamation. He heard the noise of a sword unsheathing, and now wished that they had just met the beasts instead. At least the creatures were familiar, and he knew what to expect. The forged before him was staggeringly tall, and the moon reflected against their cold metal. He shut his eyes then, expecting the worst. His party wouldn’t be able to intercept in time.   “Well, you’re all rather dramatic.” Spoke a soft voice, directly before him. He hastily creaked an eye open, looking upon the forged once more. He then realized she wasn’t talking to him, but rather addressing the group that had rushed forward. The forged remained still as stone, save for the idle twisting of the flowers they held.   His group held their position then, taken aback. The flowers kept twisting, before the forged spoke again.   “I’m surprised you’re out here. What with the flesh hungry beasts and all. Can’t be safe.” The forged stated, and Lucius realized their voice had an awfully feminine tone. Much of their appearance strayed from what he had previously seen, with tall horns jutting out from their forehead. Trails of vines went down their back, laced with flowers and feathers. A leather halter top accompanied a leather sling that went across their back. The strangest piece of all was the skirting that encircled their hips, a dark green color. The forged stepped towards him then, kneeling beside him with a cocked head. His party held their weapons in shock, almost afraid to shatter the moment. The forged stared him down from the closer angle, noticing relatively fresh wounds.   “You’re hurt” was all she stated now, removing the sling from her back and removing various herbs with precision. A strange sense of indecision filled the camp, and as the group continued talking they each allowed her to check and tend to their wounds.    The forged, who had come to introduce herself as “Quinque ex Tellus”, before another party member hastily suggested just “Quinn”. She agreed quickly, and the group had set up camp for the night. The other party members were nervous, uncertain in Lucius’s judgment. But he held fast that the party was in no danger from her, based upon his personal readings of the forged before that moment. All recorded documents defined them as quiet, duty oriented, and steadfast in what was expected of them. Although, if this forged had been around since before the calamity and was still functioning - well, he shuddered to think of what such a long time by yourself would do to the mind.   Eventually, the group returned to the town of Aeris after a few more days. When they first approached, the barrier protecting the town glimmering purple in stark contrast to the blue skies surrounding them. The walls were also high, reaching far past any of their heights. When they came to the gate, the guards stationed there looked at the new addition to their party quizzically. Lucius explained how they were going to Sigmund immediately, and the party formed an odd sort of escort circle as they went to Sigmunds office. The front party member knocked against the door, and a stern voice called from inside, “Come in.” The rest of the party stepped back then, leaving Lucius to walk forward with Quinn awkwardly following.   Sigmund was standing, currently shelving some papers and folders he held in his other arm. He didn’t immediately turn, having recognised Lucius’s voice. “Well?” He asked, placing another folder on the shelf. “How was the expedition?”   “We found something.” Lucius stated, looking between the two. Sigmund turned then, face still relatively relaxed. Upon seeing the forged standing in his office, he couldn’t obscure his shock.   “Leave us Lucius, but stay outside of the door.” He ordered, placing the last of his papers onto the shelf haphazardly before going behind his desk. He gestured to the chair before it, simply stating “Sit.”   She moved forward fluidly, stopping before the desk to meet his gaze. She held at least a half a foot over him, and he’d be damned if he didn’t detect a hint of a smirk as she slowly sat.   He remained standing, acutely aware of his sword that hung in reach against his desk. The forged sat, staring up at him. Ah, he was used to breaking stalemates.   “Who are you?” He stated, starting with a relatively simple question.   “I am Quinque ex Tellus, a forged.” She stated, giving him his answer just as simply.   “Do you know where you are right now?” He asked, sliding a hand across his desk.   “A town.” She started, before continuing. “Which is quite unusual. I thought the beasts had destroyed everything.”   “Where are you from?” He asked next, barely waiting for her to finish her first response before jumping to the next.   “The fields. I was created with an affinity towards nature.” She responded, the answers falling easily from her mouth.   “Who created you?” He asked next, hand finally grabbing his sword from the side of his desk.   “I have not met my creators besides when I was first created.” She stated, and upon seeing him wait for more added, “After the beasts arrived, none survived. They destroyed everything organic.” “A good answer.” Sigmund stated, bringing his sword to rest flat against the table. Her head remained stationary, and he knew he couldn’t quite tell where she was looking in that moment. “And yet, here you are. All other forged found are broken. Why can you still move?”   “I don’t know.” She responded, head just as stationary as before.   His eyes narrowed, staring her down. She remained completely still. He then grabbed his sword from beside himself, walking around the side of his desk. “Tell me why I shouldn’t have the guard destroy you right now.”   “That wouldn’t aid either of us.” She stated, not at all bothered by him walking behind her. “I was created to help humanity, and I’d like to continue doing so.”   Sigmund adjusted his grip on the sword’s sheath at this, feeling the weight of the blade. “We’d all like to see humanity flourish, wouldn’t we?”   She took longer to respond to this, giving the slightest intonation of her head at his statement. “The alternative is the beasts flourishing. They’ve already destroyed so much. Nothing is safe from their destructive influence.” She shifted in her seat then, turning to look up at Sigmund. “I had hopes that humanity wouldn’t follow in their footsteps.” She finished, staring straight at Sigmund. He almost felt a chill shiver up his spine, but held his position.   “Lucius! Have your group escort the forged to the prisons.” He called then, watching as Lucius awkwardly opened the door. Quinn stood, never breaking her gaze from Sigmund’s face in the process. She stepped around him, walking out to join the party.   He stood motionless for many moments before letting out a sigh of relief. His shoulders fell, and he went to sit behind his desk. What in the nine hells would he do now?


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