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The Final Strike

The final strike was a massecure cunducted by the socerers employed by Ludum.Ludum is a nation majorly comprised of elves. It is a nation of knowledge, able to outwit and overpower their opponents, even with their low military presence. Yet, the nation of Ludum still felt the great loss of the Fifty Year War. Famine was rampant and many had no shelter due to the loss of towns in great explosions. Elves were prioritized when it came to government-issued supplies. Those of other races often faced starvation and hypothermia during the winter months, even though other races such as the Dragonborn were the bulk of Ludum’s military force.   Dwarves were the first to begin protests. One said protest became known as the Calimus Downfall, Calimus was a town known for their particularly skilled craftsmen, and the town used that to their advantage to go on strike; leaving the wealthy unable to get their valuable trinkets and furniture. Outraged, those of nobility demanded that something be done. At first, King Harris gave no public response. Months passed, and the only ones to respond were the local guard. Those in favor of the protests protected the craftsmen, but those who disagreed arrested protestors who showed even the slightest amount of aggression. One night, dozens of wagons entered Calimus, covering the road of the main market streets by morning. Protestors resumed their strike, even after royal sorcerers revealed themselves from the wagons. By the peak of the protest of the day, the magic users surrounded the crowd of workers. Without warning, the royal sorcerers cast a spell and the crowd grew completely still and silent. Then, one of the local guards announced the order from the King for all workers to return to work, threatening consequences and force if there was retaliation.   When the spell was lowered and the protestors could move again, the crowd did not move. The protestors stood their ground. With no other warning, another spell was cast, and one by one, the protestors sank through the ground, being engulfed in the stone path once beneath them. Dozens of skilled craftsmen were lost, and this only brought out more rage from the starving citizens. When a riot began, the town was set aflame. The town's people who survived had to flee to neighboring towns, though many were arrested or killed if discovered.


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