Dungeon Overlords
Dungeon towns are built by Warlocks and Dungeon Overlords to act as bases from which to wage campaigns of conquest for wealth and power. Similarly minded creatures are attracted as allies.
The Dungeon is the seat of Overlords and Warlocks of Nighon. Their society is shaped by non-ending conflict, brutality and viciousness. The life in Nighon is oriented around perpetual fighting for more and more power. To accomplish their vile goals, Overlords and Warlocks often use the creatures and beasts of Nighon as the means to an end. The troglodytes are strange, weak creatures, used by Nighon lords en masse to flood their opponents or draw attention from the main body of the army, medusas, serpent women archers who are known to be deadly in the close range fights as well, being able to turn their enemies into stone. The lords of Nighon often use the devastating strength of minotaurs to crush their opponents' defenses while harpies and manticores succesfully flank the enemy thanks to their high mobility and deadly claws. At the last, there come the black dragons, deadly evil spawn of dragon-kin. Sometimes, the most powerful of underground lords even have the red dragons in their service, and their power is often crushing even for the most powerful of enemies.Remove these ads. Join the Worldbuilders Guild