Burt Fert Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Burt Fert

A happy little rock gnome that lived with his wife in a small town of gnomes. He lived a happy pleasant life playing around with trinkets and gadgets attempting to find new discoveries to help his people. One night a horde of orcs attacked his town killing the gnomes for fun. After the attack no one was left alive except Burt, but not unharmed. He was left laying there missing his left arm and legs. He dragged himself to his workshop and built himself a new body. A body of metal and one that could defend against any one who dare came after him. He recreated himself and thus gave himself a new name Lucias Regillius, vowing never to let anyone learn the truth of his true body. Driven by the need for justice he set out into the world to find the horde of orcs that took his life from him. As he travels, he never takes his armor off and has the appearance of a human.
Burt Fert
Race: Rock Gnome
Class: Artificer (Armorer)
Background: Sage 
 Alignment: Chaotic Neutral 


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