Castor Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Origin: Forester   Castor used to live in the forest with his tribe before it was burned to the ground by an army of Orcs. He had to leave home at a very young age and barely escaped with his life. The only thing he could bring with him before leaving was a small panflute given to him by his mother. Castor swears revenge on the people who burned his home and murdered his family, and is plotting his best course to take said revenge.

This incident awakened something within Castor, some ancient power he couldn't understand but knew was powerful.

Castor will use this power to exact his revenge.       Worked with Lucias Regillius, Critias and Radood Boboddy to stop the Star Spawn in the village Akeley where Radood got blasted by Castor's fireball, which made Radood give up adventuring.
Race: Satyr
Class: Draconic (Bronze) Sorcerer
Background: Outlander
Tribe: Castor's Tribe


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