Midir Hildegarde Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Midir Hildegarde

Midir started his life in the Order of the Sun as a paladin of light and good. After years he set out to spread his grace and perfection to all those around him, helping the common folk along the way. To help spread his word of greatness he bought a ship and sailed around the world spreading his magnificent tales of his life. Recently, misfortune has hit Midir with the loss of his ship and death of his first mate during a fight against "the world's toughest, evilest and biggest" kraken. Now he travels on foot to continue to spread word of his magnificent accomplishments and help all who ask.    ~He'll always remember his first ship and his first mate.
Midir Hildegarde
Race: Aasimar (Scourge)
Class: Paladin (Oath of Radiance)
Background: Sailor
Alignment: Lawful Good


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