Nyacon Zrarash Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Nyacon Zrarash

Nyacon Zrarash was born into the Belxiros clan, a proud people who are often involved in armed conflicts with other clans and occasionally in more significant wars. Given the nature of his clan and his pride, Nyacon was brought up from a young age to be a fighter and a warrior. Once he hit maturity, he immediately enlisted in his clan's army.


Over the years, Nyacon and his fellow soldiers brought glory and victory to his clan, winning conflict after conflict. One day, however, Nyacon was called to respond to an imminent threat facing his home: an ancient green dragon the size of several buildings attacked without warning. The dragon quickly decimated the Belxiros clan, killing most of the clan's population. Nyacon barely escaped with his life, and only because the clan's elders told him to rescue as many civilians as possible while they held off the dragon.


This memory haunts Nyacon to this day and nearly drove him to take his own life. One night, Nyacon was about ready to jump off a tall bridge to his death before a cloaked figure approached him. The figure, who wouldn't identify themselves, claimed to be a follower of the Dragon God, Bahamut. The figure talked Nyacon out of suicide and convinced him to devout his life to following Bahamut so that he may find peace. Finally, the figure gifted Nyacon a holy symbol (A Silver Dragon scale) and then disappeared into the wilderness.


To this day, Nyacon has no idea who or what this figure was. Since that day, Nyacon has dedicated himself to avenging his clan's loss and never letting his allies parish in battle again. Nyacon began training as a paladin to achieve this goal. Now, he heads northbound in an attempt to learn more about Bahamut and the green dragon who attacked his clan. Along the way, Nyacon will do what he can to protect those in need.

Nyacon Zrarash
Race: Dragonborn (Green)
Class: Paladin of Vengeance
Background: Soldier
Alignment: Good


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