Wilhelm Von Falkenhayn Character in Ente Isla | World Anvil
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Wilhelm Von Falkenhayn

In his past Wilhelm was a scout for his king. He would bring back news of troop movements on the local orc hordes and give information on the layout of future battlefields. Although he was good at his job, one day he made a fatal mistake. When scouting he came across a particularly big group of orcs that had not been seen yet. The numbers were way larger than any he had seen before, but among them he spotted the orc warlord. Thinking he could end the war today he headed to a local town and collected a militia of all the villagers men to sneak in and take out the warlord. His hubris would cost them their lives. He sent no word back to command and went in for the kill. What happened after was a slaughter. The local town was destroyed and all that lived there were either killed or taken as slaves. Wilhelm snuck out and escaped running to tell command of what happened. He never told the truth of what happened to his commanding officer and instead spun a story to cover his back. But the guilt weighed on him, forcing him to leave the service. He vowed to fight for those he had let down and travel to local towns in hopes of redeeming himself.
Wilhelm Von Falkenhayn
Race: Aasimar (Protector) 
Class: Monk (Way of the Kensei) 
Background: Soldier (Scout) 
Alignment: Chaotic Good 
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
190 lbs


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