Pirove Uskuskkal Character in Envordel | World Anvil
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Pirove Uskuskkal

Healer Pirove Uskuskkal

Father of Modern Healing and Alchemy; Founder of Uskuskkal School of Healing; Author of Diseases and Their Symptoms; Possible Necromancer.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Pirove Uskuskkal was born in the relatively rural village of Olora, upon his majority.   His birth and early childhood care was attended to by [Wiloke], a half-elf dedicate of [Zheandaey] with a talent for mystic healing employed by his house. In his youth, Pirove was greatly influenced by Wiloke (most likely by her innate Elven magic, her talent with mystic healing, and her odd education coming from her Elven background), during the course of their relationship, he decided that there was much more to healing than what was traditionally taught--especially once he goes through his training as a dedicate of Sultasi himself. He cannot stop himself from wondering: is there more to healing than this? What can we do to better ease the suffering of people?


Apprenticed under a Healer within Sultasi's Order of Healers

Accomplishments & Achievements

Founder of the Olora School of Healing, later renamed the Pirove School of Healing in his honor.   Author of Diseases & their Symptoms, the definitive work on healing, alchemy, and herbology for a significant period of time.   Invented the cure for The Engosem Plague .


Family Ties

A member of the Uskuskkal Noble Family.
Uskuskkal Family Crest
by Fantasy Shield Generator

Religious Views

A dedicate of Sultasi
Circumstances of Birth
Attended by [Wiloke] as a dedicate of [Zheandaey]
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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