Harborton Settlement in Eoa | World Anvil
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Harborton is the seat of the Harborton Holding, which encompasses the western coast of Trimblemore. It is known for its powerful military, both army and navy, and is a fortress protected from invastion from all sides.   Built along tall coastal cliffs, the city is designed like a spiral staircase, with each level increasing in height and wealth. The bottom level is the Wharf, which is at the level of the ocean an is home to the docks and industry, as well as the lower class housing. The Flats Quarter is at the level of the surrounding countryside, and is the largest quarter. It is home to major commercial and residential districts, the university, and the municipal district. The Plateau quarter is at the level of the small plateau following the cliffs on the north side of the city. It is home to the upper class commercial and residential districts, as well as most of the temples. The Pinnacle is the highest quarter in Harborton, and is home to the Duke's estate and the naval battery stations that overlook the port.
Large city

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