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El'gon's Red Coral Flute

Look up to the sun Your face cooling down The wind blowing soft Carrying soft tones Can you hear it? It's the man playing the flute Calming down our hearts   Spin around in circles Feel the sun Heating up your blood With an upbeat song Can you hear it? It's the man playing the flute Wanting to dance   Cover your head The rain is pouring You cry your first tears Hearing a heartbreaking melody Can you hear it? It's the man playing the flute Drowning in sorrow   Feel the pain Taking over your body You hated him so much High notes piercing your ears Can you hear it? It's the man playing the flute Crying for help   Fall into the grass Like he fell in love with you The sun is setting You whistle to the loving melody Can you hear him? It's the man playing the flute Forgiving you
Unedited poem Heart of the Flute by Daidaiiro

Mechanics & Inner Workings

When played it amplifies the emotion of the song and if played just right it almost sounds like a siren singing.


It was a gift from young "Phaesen" to "Elgonel" as a gesture of friendship from the lonely boy to his only true friend.
Item type
Musical Instrument
Current Holder
Extremely rare, one of two Red Coral flutes in existence. The other belongs to "Phaesen"
.75 lbs.
26 in. long
Base Price
priceless, however if someone were to know where it came from 1300 gps
Raw materials & Components
Its made out of a sung piece of smooth red coral.
It was sung into shape by a Siren with a nearly lost family song.


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