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The moon at midnight Upon a silent sea Casting Her glow, iridescent The waves break in hushed tones Upon sandy shores, glittering, In the dark of night Receding water leaves behind Pale bodies, sleek and stunning White and whiskered Drinking in Her magnificence They shed their skins Walking arm in arm upon this earth Creatures of both land and sea Naked and gleaming bodies, thrive Beneath the stars, unseen, unheard Quiet and graceful as the lull of the ocean Dancing, singing, siren voices Until the first light of dawn breaks, then Back into their silken selves The tide rolls in, and out again Taking with it The moon's sweet daughters.
-Eòrdur the Selkie
Selkie by Georgia Marginson-Swart

Basic Information


These reclusive beings are born in the shape of a seal but once they reach maturity they are able to shed their seal skin

Genetics and Reproduction

Selkies while they can have children at any time of the year have an extra fertile period towards the end of winter. Each Selkie typically bears one to three pups per-pregnancy. The pregnancy of each Selkie lasts from three to four months with the mother being forced to return to seal form for the last week if she has her pelt. If she doesn't have her pelt she will get very agitated until the birth of her children where they will take after the non-Selkie parent rather than the mother. a Male Selkie were to impregnate a non-Selkie, the mother will find a draw to the sea thats nearly irresistible until the children are born.

Growth Rate & Stages

Selkies are considered children until 49 years of age, teens then between 50-299 years of age and then adults at 400 years of age. At ten years of age a Selkie gains the ability to shed their pelt to become human.

Ecology and Habitats

Selkie's have claimed a few islands upon which to live and protect as the people flow back and forth happily between land and water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Selkie tend to eat fish, seaweed and kelp that they hunt, breed, and cultivate themselves.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The Selkie are divided into the clans and each clan is led by a shaman or magic mother. The three clans will unite under the banner of the Arctic clan should they choose to go to war however Selkie generally try to stay out of any and all conflicts.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Mostly found in and around the Eldar Isles and The Night Isles and Up in the Arctic areas.

Average Intelligence

Highly Intelligent

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

The Clan of Snow   The Clan of Sand   The Clan of Stone

Gender Ideals

Females tend to lead the individual families however it is always the Wisest and most intelligent and typically oldest Selkie Leads. Females are also expected to know how to cultivate plants and help raise children. They also tend to be more educated than the males in history and healing. Males are expected to know how to hunt and are expected to help raise children. They tend to be more educated in hunting and War history and Languages as they are usually sent as diplomats to all nations other than Suyedas.

Relationship Ideals

Usually its pretty equal on which gender approaches first, however a more dominant Selkie tends to approach the more submissive Selkie in order to start the courtship. At which point they will spend several months getting to know each other. Then if they find they continue to enjoy each others company they will then spend the next few years living together before sealing the deal so to speak. Divorce is rare but does happen and is nearly always amicable and ends in a good friend ship as while they do have a concept of meant to be or as they say, Pelt Mates, it is not something thats expected to be found right away. Should one already be married and find their Pelt Mate many times it will simply result in the third Selkie joining the existing couple and the polycule continuing on happily to raise children together.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

You have the main language of Selkish with three dialects splitting off into Snowy, Sandy, and Stoney.

Common Etiquette Rules

One never visits another Selkie before one in the afternoon unless invited to and one must never touch a Selkie's pelt without permission.

Common Taboos

Stealing a Selkie's Pelt   Forcing a Pairing or Arranged Marriages   Harming another of your clan   Incest, Murder   Going into the Great library of the Isle Eclipse

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Selkie keep themselves completely out of conflict between all other species and keep themselves very impartial in most events. However they have good relations with the Siren and the people of Fearojan.
Scientific Name
Sigillum Diaboli Homo Commutationem
10,000 to 20,000+ years
Average Height
Human-   Female- 4'2"-5'4" Male- 5'7"-6'5"
Average Weight
Do you want to ask?
Average Length
Good luck getting one is Seal form to hold still.
Average Physique
In human form they tend to be rather sturdy and broad people that are well muscled. In their Seal form they are nearly indistinguishable from normal seals besides eye color and glow in the dark markings on their flippers.


Ability Score Increase +3 Wisdom, +2 Con, +2 Intelegence
Size Medium
Speed Human- Land 30ft, Swim 25 ft Seal- Land 5ft, Swim 45ft

Water Safety: You can tell whether water is clean of poisons, acids and other like dangers.   Water Creature: Upon a successful Arcana check you can tell the number and distance of any Hostile water being within a 300ft radius.   Shape Changer: Selkie's are all born as a seal and at the age of 10 gain the ability to shift from Seal to human by shedding their pelt. Should their pelt be taken from them they cannot shift back into a seal until they regain their pelt.

Languages. Selkish, Common, Srelvin,


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