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Siren King Ilephae

King of the Sirens, Sorrow of the Seas Ilephae (a.k.a. Phaesen)

The haunted glaze over my eyes has become an all too familiar sight. It reflects the emptiness inside of me, my soul's plight. There's total darkness now when everything was once bright. How I long for the day you welcome me into your light.   My love hasn't gone, but now it resonates with a gnawing ache. Never imagined this is how it feels when one's spirit will break. There is nothing anymore that what's left of my spirit that can take this. I pray it's your face I see when from this nightmare I awake.   The haunted glaze in my eyes speaks of the loss of you, An abyss tearing me apart, and there's nothing I can do. I want to wake up and see that none of this was ever true And that the one waking me with a smile on his face is you.
-King Ilephae

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Lean and Lithe, powerfully muscled and elegantly put together. Perhaps a little thin to be healthy. He is heavily depressed and grieved. He is strong and fast and agile swimmer and fighter

Body Features

In his human form he is tall and graceful, being able to pass for an elf if it weren't for the scales on his cheeks and collar bones. He has slightly wider hips than normal for a male which retain the marking from his "Sea" form.   In his natural or "Sea" form he has a long graceful but powerful tail with aqua blue scales.

Identifying Characteristics

The swirling tattoo like marking from his "Sea" form and the aqua blue scales.

Physical quirks

Fakes a limp to appear less threatening when human.   He tends to swim slightly tilted to the left to be able to talk easier to those hes swimming with.

Special abilities

Like all Sirens he has a special song to lure in prey or his mate. He also has an exceptional memory for music remembering nearly every song he hears after listening to it four times.

Apparel & Accessories

In his sea form Ilephea wears a simple blue sash around his hips to keep himself modest when he shifts from sea to human.   In his human form he wears a simple pair of tan breeches and a open chested blue three quarter sleeve t-shirt the blue sash around his hips and well worn leather boots. He also has a well worn pirates hat for when human and a belt to hang his sword from as he finds the trident difficult when on land.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gender Identity




Mental Trauma

The "Death" of his fated mate

Morality & Philosophy

Ilephea believes that people should live and love so long as it doesn't harm anyone else. He want peace and justice for his people and loves to help anyone he can.


Hurting children, expecting women, or innocents   Forcing a mating between non-compatible Sirens.   Using ones song to harm pod mates.   Forcing heavy restrictions or rules on people thus removing their freedom

Personality Characteristics


Finding peace for his people and leading them well.

Likes & Dislikes

He has a like and interest in Sea shanties and music.

Personality Quirks

Walks with a "Limp" when human.


While he often forgets to eat he keeps himself clean and his hair neatly trimmed and tied back at all times.


Family Ties

Mother(Dead)   Father(Dead)   Unknown Sibling(Dead)

Social Aptitude

He is sweet, calm and careing often leading people to feel safe and listened to. He is always relaxed but respectful. He tends towards introversion but is Confident.


He has a tendency to pace when thinking or stressed and watches a person closely when they speak.
Chaotic Good/Lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
King of the Sirens   Sorrow of the Seas
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
8985 ATC 1000 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
He was born to the King and Queen of the Sirens after the Queen was told she could never carry child.
The City of Alandriel
Current Residence
The City of Alandriel
Bright Aqua Blue
Long sleek and smooth Raven hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale cream with aqua blue scales
7' Tall in human form and 14' Long in "Sea" form
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Siren, Selkish

King Ilephae

Tempest Cleric 6/Bard 6 12 Class & Level
Nobel Background
Siren-Tropic Race
CG Alignment

Strength 19
Dexterity 20
constitution 20
intelligence 20
wisdom 20
charisma 22
Total Hit Dice 1
Hit Die
+3 proficiency bonus
+0 Strength
+0 Dexterity
+0 Constitution
+0 Intelligence
+0 Wisdom
+0 Charisma
saving throws
+5 Acrobatics
+5 Animal Handling
+5 Arcana
+4 Athletics
+6 Deception
+5 History
+5 Insight
+6 Intimidation
+5 Investigation
+5 Medicine
+5 Nature
+5 Perception
+6 Performance
+6 Persuasion
+5 Religion
+5 Sleight of Hands
+5 Stealth
+5 Survival
skills Performance(B)(Doubled), Stealth(B), Perception(B)(Doubled), Religion(B), AH(B), Survival(B), Insight(C), Medicine(C), History(Bg) Persuasion(Bg) proficiencies

Armor Class
Hit Points
All armor, shields, simple weapons, hand crossbows, martial weapons, Flute, hammered dulcimer, Pan-pipes, Chess
Dancing Lights(Bc), Vicious Mockery(Bc), Message(Bc), Healing Word(B), Speak with Animals(B), Disguise Self(B), Comprehend Languages(B), Calm Emotion(B2), Detect Thoughts(B2), See Invisibility(B2), Silence(B2), Zone of Truth(B2), Major Image(B3), Sending(B3), Speak with Plants(B3)

Bard; 3 c, 4 1st, 3 2nd, 3 3rd, +2


Fog Cloud(TD), Thunder-wave(TD), Gust of Wind(TD), Shatter(TD), Call Lightning(TD), Sleet Storm(TD), Mending(Cc), Sacred Flame(Cc), Spare the Dying(Cc), Thaumaturgy(Cc), Bless(C1), Create & Destroy Water(C1), Detect Magic(C1), Guiding Bolt(C1), Aid(C2), Gentle Repose(C2), Spiritual Weapon(C2), Revivify(C3), Spirit Guardians(C3), Water Walk(C3)
Rapier, Dagger, Hammered Dulcimer, Red Coral Flute, Blue pan-pipes, Leather Armor, Light Cross bow and 20 bolts, a carved seashell necklace, fine clothes, Family/Signet ring
The common folk love me for my kindness and generosity.

Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We share the same blood
Personality Traits
It is my duty to protect and care for the people below me
I am in love with the child of a family that my family despises
By my actions I feel I bring shame to my family
Bardic Inspiration(d8), Song of Rest, Counter Charm, Cutting Words, Additional Magic Secrets, Channel Divinity/Turn Undead, Destroy Undead, Wrath of the Storm, Channel of Divinity-Destructive Wrath, Thunderbolt Strike
Features & Traits

Heroes Enabled

  • 8985 ATC

    14 /3

    Life, Birth

    The King and Queen of the Siren announce the Birth of their son, Prince Ilephea

  • 9000 ATC

    1 /2
    9015 ATC

    26 /3

    New Friend
    Life, Relationship change

    Ilephae (a.k.a. Phaesen) met Elgon (a.k.a Elgonel) and became fast friends

  • 9005 ATC

    20 /7

    First concert
    Life, Milestone

    The King and Queen hold a concert with family for Ilephea to show off his ability to play the flute and sing.

  • 9685 ATC

    30 /8

    The Fated's Death
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    After calling his fated mate to him to meet and speak after searching for years, he watches his mate be "Killed" in front of him, giving off a scream of despair he returns to his parents to mourn only barely being kept from going mad with grief by the twinges in his magic giving a thread of hope that maybe his fated lives somewhere.

  • 9785 ATC

    30 /8

    Death of the King and Queen
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    The King and Queen of the Sirens, Prince Ilephea's mom and dad are killed protecting a pod of Tropic Sirens from a Zerrirus elven "Hunting" Party.

  • 9785 ATC

    13 /9

    King Ilephea's Coronation
    Political event

    Just two weeks after the death of his parents Prince Ilephea is crowned King of the sirens while still mourning his parents this is a great relief to the Eldar council and he shows his honor and wisdom to his people already making him well cared for by them despite his young age.


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