
Alfheim is the realm of the Elves , and was the first realm that they settled in after mastering powerful magics from their progenitor, Francine. The realm is known to be absolutely exquisite, with floating islands (both artificial and natural) dotting the environments and connected by beautiful bridge created purely from hard light magic the elves mastered.   Alfheim is the land also known for its heavy influence in theatee and music arts, sophisticated technology and breath taking architecture that's said to put Goblin structure to shame. Getting into the land is actually far easier than the other two realms and its well known around that Alfheim is a major tourist attraction or people interested in seeing the culture and land of moodlet elves.   Svartalfheim is the lower world, where the other half of Elves called Underworlders, or @An, live. While the realm is shared by both them and Goblins, they were the first race to cultivate it. They're thought of being the drows of Eon, but with their moodlet bits being made out of gemstone instead of flesh like their Overworld Elf cousins.   Calamity is a very famous half-Elf mixed with Pallbearer who works for the VANGUARD. Judith is a well known Elf, as she's a famous actress who happens to be the ex-girlfriend to Catastrophe.


Alfheim is separated into two major locations that define a person's living or position - the overworld, which is Alfheim, and the underworld, which is Svartalfheim.   The Underworld is the ground level, dotted by a massive desert that takes up most of the realm, with few pockets of vegetation and oases. While the elves originally lived more commonly here, once they bred with the Novae and became intertwined with advanced knowledge and skills, that quickly gave them reasoning to escape the large beasts that inhabited the below and made them take advantage of the floating islands fueled by the light of the realm and the elemental prowess of air and earth magic.   The Overworld is the name giving to the massive islands of land that float above Midworld, the floating once again caused by the energy crystals placed under the lands. The lands were inaccessible for a long, long time before the Elves had a way to finally activate the special magic.   Alfheim's many islands are the means of which elves live, with using hard light to travel between islands or sections of the Overworld. Some of the islands haven't been urbanized, which makes them hot spots for tourism and travel as they are fit to preserve the beauty of alfheim. These floating islands have beautiful trees, shrubs and even natural fruits that can be picked if given permission by owners or the federal bodies.   Some of these floating islands also have constant run off of water that flow into the Underworld. Nobody knows the origin of the water and how it's able to flow, but some have speculation that it may come from Asgard, as the areas there have the same floating islands with water run offs as well.


The climate on Alfheim is very comfortable - it's understood that the weather patterns are not nearly as unpredictable and extreme like it is on Midgard, but rather pleasant. Residents can comfortably enjoy precipitation from the sky, but without it being chaotic or damaging. And that's due to the elves being able to have a handle of controlling their weather.   Rain is the only climate on Alfheim that's the same elsewhere, and it's usually raining not something of water but a sort of liquid form containing a small part of the Ljós diamonds found in the realm. It's not advised to drink the substance, but no harm comes to an individual if they accidently swallow it. Snow is also feasible on Alfheim, with it being made out diamonds as well - but taking on a very gorgeous, opalscent look.   Extreme weather like hurricanes and tornados aren't very possible, at least not in the Overworld. The islands float so high up that they're above the clouds that the Underworld sits under, and the weather that Overworld experiences is with clouds that are higher up, and much calmer in their climate in comparison.

Fauna & Flora

The overworld in Alfheim still experience natural flora and fauna life the same as the underworld of Alfheim does. An interesting note about the animals in the overworld is they sometimes shine like the diamonds that make up the realm, which may give them an iridescent or opalscent coat of color. Pets like dogs and cats are popular household members that elves have.

Natural Resources

A very common material that's pretty much anywhere and everywhere on Alfheim is Ljósánite, otherwise known as Ljós diamond. This specatular gemstone is in high abundance in its own realm, and can really only be found in Alfheim. Some floating islands are entirely made out of the diamonds, which the elves mine through special machinery that is also made out of the diamond as well. It's only possible to harvest it through using it against itself. Ljós diamond can come in any color but the most common color is a stunning iridescent purple that can be either closer to red or blue depending on the gender of the person. The gemstone is the reason for the elf's cultivating magic, and harnessing the strong essence of using hard light and projections to create their architecture. The effects of the diamonds have been continously studied for millenia, from both elves and recently in modern times, other species for how it takes light and reflects it into a more physical form. Some scientific breakthroughs are trying to use it to solve the issues of lack of food supplies, or using it to "reflect" food and create new food without needing to use resources to make it.   Ljós diamond is a very common accessory for the more rich and well off elves to wear - not only do the diamonds provide fashionable wear, but they're also good to use for magic by reflecting the magic from the user and making it stronger than just directly casting it onto a foe, or object. This is why Judith wears it herself. She has some skill in light magic and while it may not be as strong as her mother, it's still quite impressive.


Alfheim was one of the realms created not so much first  but not also last when Eon was forming from the massive primordial soup that was created when the planet was first made. Alfheim was actually very extreme in its climate and it's theorized the cause of it was from the massive concentration of Ljós diamond - everything was made out of it in its geography. And due to the reflective nature of the diamond, it caused the weather to "bounce back" onto itself and become terrible and ferocious.   At some point, this died down as the Divines and Vanjehar settled on the planet and began to clean up the realms and settle the chaos that they were slowly coming down from.   When Elves first came into existence due to Francine's procreating, they decided to learn the mastery of magic like their ancestor and claimed Alfheim as theirs due to their intense curiosity with the properties of the diamonds that shaped the realm. This burning curiosity lead to them reshaping the land into a magically inclined safe heaven that the elves relished in whenever they didn't want to be on Midgard.   Elves tend to keep their secrets with their history, and that part of Alfheim is the only part of the history well known on Eon. Anything else like important figures, wars and conflicts, and even some holidays aren't very discussed unless lucky individuals go on tour to see Alfheim and browse its beauty. It's curious elves aren't as open about their history and realm's history, at least compared to the other races on Eon, but it's not pried on. Lately, however, they've had better luck of obtaining the history even if it's small drops through a crack.


Tourism on Alfheim is huge - Alfheim is the reason why theatre, music and arts in general exist. While the elves indulge in and appreciate the fine taste of theatrical plays and creating music, goblins were the first in introducing visual arts with painting, sculpting and architecture. It's even said that goblins helped construe the architecture by figuring out how the diamonds can be crafted by cutting diamonds against other diamonds.   Tourists who have the luck of getting on a tour to Alfheim have to pay a good sum (but it's typically affordable even for middle class) and be screened so they won't cause issues while there. Once the tour group is ready to make leave from Midgard to Alfheim, they meet at a very special place that always changes depending on the tour group, with special schisms (portals) leading to welcome centers that they enter to check in for their stay at Alfheim.   Once the tourists check in, the tour group stays at specialized hotels/lodging built for the purpose of housing outsiders with a temporary order for staying. From this point on, they are allowed to either visit and tour the cities and islands at their leisure, or they can join tours that are more organized in showing interesting sights and places.   The most exciting thing for most enthusiasts to look forward to in Alfheim are the amazing concerts that are played at the concert halls, or the theatrical plays with famous actors. Paying high sums of money can even get someone the ability to meet backstage with the performers, which are always sold out months in advance.   Some islands are even made specifically for tourism and special reservations can be made so that some people are capable of living in the lodging provided on those islands than the designated ones in the squares or plazas. These are usually sold out months in advance however, and it's rare for a cancellation to happen. The ones made out of Ljós diamond are especially popular and expensive, with tickets for reservations starting at the minimum of $1,500 silver per night.
Alternative Name(s)
The Quarriot Quadrant,
Dimensional, Pocket
Inhabiting Species