
Daevahs are monsters born from chaos curses or chaos syndrome-afflicted persons, property and even benign objects. They're a blight on Eon, and the most dangerous thing any living organic can come across. Daevahs are the sole reason why Hunter groups like the VANGUARD were made - to keep huemanity and other species safe, and from Eon being purged into dark chaos.   Daevahs were originally born from Voidseed with the intent of taking over Eon, by creating foot soldiers to help solidify their coverage on the planet and take it from the gods protecting the planet. Now, they're everyday trouble for most sentient organics on Eon, especially with their natural love for essence and taking people's energy.   Sometimes, Daevahs are called other names in other languages depending on the country. For example, Daevahs are called yokai in Kangsu, but most of them are not as dangerous as the ones from say Magnesia, or Sur'Dahl. Daevahs that have an influence on ghosts and make them dangerous, malevolent beings capable of hurting the living are called Revanents. (Meanwhile, normal ghosts are called Phantoms.)   Daevahs can also take on any form - there's no restriction from them, with them being huge, or them even being small and posessing dolls.   The most dangerous aspect of a Daevah is that if it's left alone to grow, develop and become strong enough, they will become full-blooded Voidseeds. The time it takes to develop into a Voidseed is dependent on what kind it is, but it usually takes several years. While an Elder Voidseed is hugely  unfeasible with the lack of resources that Eon could give to a Daevah to make it happen, there have been times and chances of lower or even Great Voidseeds created from Daevahs gathering enough resources and growth.   The only way to kill a Daevah is striking its weakness - a core inside of it. This is usually the seed or heart of the Daevah, and what it uses to continue to survive and absorb chaos as well.

Basic Information


As mentioned before, Daevahs can take on any kind of anatomy or physical design - it's really dependent on whether the Daevah is posessing a form, a mutation off of a form, or if it's just pure chaos incarnate.   For example, some Daevahs are slime creatures named after negative feelings as they feed off of them - resentments are the most common slime Daevahs to find, and are usually hiding in places that are full of resenting hatred, like an unclean death for example.    Other forms of Daevahs are like the most infamous one - Iron Maidens. They are large Daevahs with a very angelic, beautiful body but a large lower half which is where their namesake comes from. They devour people and impale them, feeding off of their energy and their flesh until they're fully absorbed into them. Iron Maidens are said to be corrupted forms of an ancient species on Eon, with the Daevah equivalent being the only living - and maybe mocking - form of them.   Daevahs can also corrupt species into malevolent forms of themselves, such as hooved Taurvros becoming aggressive Minotaurs, Minos being the name of the first Taur that was corrupted into a Daevah and sadly put down by his own mother Coraxol.   Other Daevahs may possess books or furniture, as well. Usually Daevahs take on a very black and purplish-blue ghastly aura that can come in contact with properties, items, or even food, and possess them.    There is no end to Daevah's creativity in appearance.

Genetics and Reproduction

Daevahs can reproduce in many ways, but the most common is through the use of spreading chaos and infecting other individuals with chaos syndrome. This can be done by using their chaotic energy, their own ichor (blood) to infect the victims, or generally by feeding off of the sanity of an individual as well.   Daevahs can form pretty rapidly - some Daevahs can be formed by malevolent energy forming in just until 3 days if enough of it is given. Other Daevahs may take a while to form, and can either be killed while they continue to develop, or they can be hindered in developing fully.   Individuals who are infected by Daevah syndrome may take months or even years to develop properly into Daevahs. It truly depends on their own physiology, such as how much sanity did they have before transforming. For example, a Brashur Daevah would be extremely difficult to form, as the natural regeneration that Brashurs have make it impossible for chaos syndrome to properly seed itself. The Brashur would need to throw their own sanity out the window and accept becoming a Daevah - with the potential of becoming a Voidseed as well.

Growth Rate & Stages

Daevahs usually start out as a literal black seed - its quite easy for them to gather chaotic energy from anything that can permit it. An argument between a couple, to a child causing mayem outside that may even result in property damage. When a Daevah gets strong enough to move on its own rather than just staying in one place and absorbing negative energy, they can go down three different paths - they can either grow into their own Daevah, possess an item to become a Daevah, or even latch onto a living person, and make them an extension of themselves and if the person doesn't go insane from the rapid physiology change, they could become a Voidseed.

Ecology and Habitats

Optimal habitats for Daevahs are any places that may be prone to negative energy or chaotic energy which can or will cause distress. It's essential for them to absorb this energy, as they can fizzle out like a flame in water if they're cut off from their source.   This is why it's common for Daevahs to grow in environments that may be anger inducing, or in general causes problems.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Daevahs typically live off of the life energy of all living beings - this could be their souls, or if they're heavily skilled with magic then it'll be their mana. Daevahs are completely capable of absorbing enough mana or energy from people to make it fatal, but the smaller the Daevah, the less they prove to be dangerous as they wouldn't be able to absorb or cover a large area to feed.   Daevahs can feed off of flesh. If they do prefer hueme flesh, as there's something about normal humans that have that perfect balance of chaos and harmony that makes them much more attractive to feed, they can also eat other species if there are no huemes around.


Daevahs are extremely aggressive and will attack a person if in close enough vicinity to do so. They are natural born predators that take their time in the hunt, and are dangerous in large groups.   As for their behavior with each other, Daevahs can be very territorial and make it difficult to work together if a specific species of Daevah is prone to be more of a loner than together. If some Daevahs retain a higher intelligence, then they will take advantage and group up in larger numbers to be far more dangerous.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Daevahs are found anywhere applicable where people will live, making it easy for development and growth. The only places Daevahs have not been found in is the other realms of Eon, where its unlikely they'll be able to foster growth.

Average Intelligence

Daevahs are pretty mindless creatures - some display a talent for nimbleness, by dodging attacks, while others are bold and can tank attacks and have confidence in their bodies being able to protect them.   The more terrifying Daevahs are the ones who are highly intelligent and can easily outsmart hunters or other people with their presence, or causing a distraction, or even using another Daevah to take the blame for damage. Daevahs who are growing this intelligence are typically on the road to forming into a full blown Voidseed and are not to be taken kindly.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Daevahs are extraordinary with their senses. Their sense of smell is terrifying, as they're capable of figuring out where a living being may be hiding. Their use of senses stems from chaos magic being able to "feel" out other energies and make comparisons between the energy being chaotic or non-chaotic - i.e being full of more harmony.   Daevahs are also capable of using other methods to receive information around their environment that can be dependent on whatever form they may take on. For example, corrupted nightbat Daevahs may use echolocation to feel around for their prey.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Some Daevahs can take on being a parasitic species off of a person, and that's usually defined to the slime Daevahs that feed off of the negative energy living creatures have.   Pure, symbiotic creatures that can live in harmony with the one they're posessing are Voidseeds, as Daevahs are too "pure" in their chaos to live in harmony with the host. A certain half-Elf huntress is one case, where she has a Voidseed symbiote living in her blood.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

Various myths and legends from monsters across Eon come from Daevahs. Others have confused Daevahs with Voidseeds and vice versa, but it's important to take notice and care to how intelligent the creature or beast is, which makes the differentiation much more clear cut.   A popular myth is the Daevah king Azi Dahaka, a terrifying force of nature who is said to have sired plenty of monsters with both hueme women and other women from other species. He was a thorn in the sides of many hunters for quite some time, with having the intelligence and power capable of puting a Great Voidseed to shame with how many resources he claimed. It's unsure if he was even a figure, as many place him as just that, a myth, but other people still stiffen up hearing the name.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Daemon Horribilis
Originally, creations from Voidseeds to destroy the planet
Daevahs can almost live for forever, if given the right resources.
Average Height
Varies - can be from 1 foot tall to several feet tall
Average Weight
Heavy - even smaller Daevahs can weigh up to 200-300 lbs due to how gravity affects them.
Average Length
Varies - can be from 1 foot long to several feet long
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