Frost Wolf

Frost Wolves are a species of large wolves native exclusively to Jotunheim. They exist primarily as wild predators which serve to keep the herbivore numbers in check so that they don't devastate the realm's plant life, though there are a sizable number which have been domesticated by the Jötunn. They have existed in Jotunheim well before it fused with Niflheim as a result of Ragnarok, otherwise known as the Great Voidseed War.   Frost Wolves are known for their surprisingly playful nature, even when wild, and their remarkable intelligence. They have been known to be capable of remembering every single major hunting area in the Frozen Wastes, as well as which water sources will give them greater strength than others, which direction opposing packs live in, and even where patches of poison mist are known to seep into the realm. They are extremely social animals, and members of a pack will play together for hours if the opportunity arises. They also answer to the Jötunn without question, even if wild, and will know when they have stepped over a boundary they shouldn't have based on how the Jötunn react to them.   It is currently unknown whether Frost Wolves evolved from another species, or if they simply appeared in Jotunheim along with all the other forms of life that exist there. Whatever the case may be, it's extremely rare to see one outside of their habitat, usually when accompanying their Jötunn companion who has left Jotunheim.

Basic Information


When looking at a Frost Wolf, the most immediate thing that can be noticed is their large, bulky frame. Whereas wolves in general are typically already large, Frost Wolves are even larger, easily having ten to thirteen inches in height on other species. They are also thicker in terms of muscle mass, needing the additional strength to hunt the large fauna of Jotunheim. In all other regards, they are similar to other wolves in that they have four legs and long tails, and a mouth full of powerful teeth.   A large majority of wild Frost Wolves will have lighter fur, which ranges from sandy brown to golden yellow to even white. This allows them to blend into the light foliage of Jotunheim much easier than darker fur colors. These coats are also very prevalent in domesticated individuals. There are very small amounts of Frost Wolves which have darker fur, such as chocolate brown to charcoal grey to pitch black. These individuals make up two special groups of Frost Wolves which have an innate ability to shapeshift, giving them access to a secondary form which can be either Hueme or Jötunn in appearance. These two special groups are usually seen amidst the Jötunn and their domesticated Frost Wolves, sometimes even being companions to the Jötunn.

Genetics and Reproduction

Frost Wolves reproduce via mating much like other canine species. The alpha pair of the pack reproduces once every year. The gestation period for these creatures is anywhere from 70-83 days, and litters tend to average around four to five pups. It is quite common for all offspring to go off and find other packs to join when they are old enough, thus widening the gene pool for the species and preventing potential issues from inbreeding.

Growth Rate & Stages

The newborn stage for Frost Wolf Pups lasts from 0-2 months, with infancy lasting from 2-8 months, and the juvenile period lasting from 8 months to 3 years. Once a Frost Wolf has reached 3 years in age, it is fully considered a mature adult and thus ready to leave and find a new pack. The fastest rate of growth occurs during the newborn and infancy periods, with the juvenile period marking a slowdown of growth as each individual slowly comes to maturity. During the juvenile period, pups may experience a change in fur color, though this is not an extremely common occurrence.

Ecology and Habitats

Frost Wolves live within Jotunheim, which is rather expansive. There are some Jötunn settlements throughout the realm, though a very significant portion of the area is dense woodland that opens up into clearings that typically house large bodies of water. This gives them large amounts of territory, and they use the flora as a means to camouflage themselves when hunting prey animals.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Frost Wolves are carnivores, requiring a consistent diet of meat. They hunt as a group, often tracking their target over a period of several hours before making a move and taking it down. Once they've successfully hunted down and killed their prey, they feed until full, with the alpha pair getting the first few bites before the others are allowed to dig in. The time between each meal is around eight days on average, with new kills being made at around that point as the pack gets hungry again. Domesticated Frost Wolves are fed frequently, with smaller portions of meat from livestock being fed to them twice a day, every day. This prevents them from getting too fat while also making sure they're sufficiently satisfied.


Wild Frost Wolves operate on a pack system, with a dominant alpha pair leading the rest of the pack, which usually numbers around six to ten other individuals. The subordinate Frost Wolves obey every order given by the alphas, lest they find themselves without a pack and with decreased survival odds. Despite such binary options, there is little in the way of disorder or confrontation, as Frost Wolves are very social animals, and the notion of being on their own is instinctually avoided. All members of any given pack will often play with one another, especially when there are pups that are currently within the group.   Despite the fact that their prey is hunted solely for consumption purposes, Frost Wolves lend their targets great respect and wide berths. They hunt down massive herbivorous beasts which are perfectly capable of killing any number of the pack with ease. This is why they hunt together, using strategy to take down their prey with as little issue as they can manage.

Additional Information


Domesticated Frost Wolves were made so through the use of socialization and feeding, the former of which was very simple given their already social nature. Being given food rather than being forced to hunt for it helped domesticated individuals realize that they need only depend on the Jötunn to feed them, which taught them to be less inclined to go out hunting. This developed into a sense of loyalty and affection towards the Jötunn that ultimately culminated in their domestication.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Domesticated Frost Wolves are often simply kept as pets for Jötunn families, and are content to remain as such for their entire lives. Others are used to assist with hunting and herding livestock.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Frost Wolves are native only to Jotunheim. They cannot be found outside of this realm, unless with a Jötunn to whom they are a companion.

Average Intelligence

Frost Wolves are among the smartest wildlife on Eon and within its realms, being an estimated 13 times smarter than the average household dog. They are incredibly intelligent predators, and quite possibly the most intelligent of them all. Shapeshifters have intelligence even beyond this, having a level comparable to most sapient races.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Frost Wolves have extremely acute senses of sight, smell, and hearing. They are capable of tracking and hunting down prey based off of even the slightest scent or sound, and their eyes allow them to see even on the darkest nights. This set of superior senses makes them the apex predators of the wilds of the Frozen Wastes, facing very little competition from anything other than rival packs. In those who can change their form, these senses are dulled, but still much more acute than most sentient species.   Much like the Jötunn, they are also highly attuned to the spirit world and can see and interact with the dead. Those who venture outside of Niflheim with their companions can often be seen looking at spaces where seemingly nothing is there, which is very likely them noticing spirits. The way in which a Frost Wolf reacts to certain spirits can also inform one whether there is a Phantom or a Revenant present, with the former eliciting more favorable reactions and the latter being met with aggressive growling and a defensive posture. This spirit sense is still fully present in those who can shapeshift.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Shapeshifters don't consistently follow any one naming tradition. Some take on names for themselves from Skaalsborg or Helholtt, while others choose names that come from Indigenous Magnesian cultures. There are even some who steal the names of Voidseeds, claiming the names for themselves in an attempt to take power from said Voidseeds.


Whereas the majority of Frost Wolves seem to have originated with the Frozen Wastes from the very beginning, the shapeshifters are a group which came to be following extensive exposure to the magic which flows through Jotunheim and their close proximity to the Jötunn who live there.   The first instance of this phenomena occurring was recorded some 500-600 years before the onset of the Great Voidseed War. A group of Frost Wolves appeared before a settlement of Jötunn in a tense moment that some viewed as a standoff. Believing themselves targeted, many of them readied their weapons and stood their ground. Before things got too tense, the leader of the pack suddenly shuddered and slowly changed its form. Standing before the Jötunn was no longer a Frost Wolf, but a stunning woman with Jötunn features. The rest of the pack followed suit, resulting in a group of men and women who looked either Jötunn or Hueme in appearance. The residents were stunned even further when the leader then spoke to them in fluent Skaalsborgian, informing them that the pack came with intent to speak. During this conversation, it was revealed to the Jötunn that this pack of Frost Wolves had become aware of their ability to shapeshift recently, and that they felt it prudent to make themselves known to the residents of Jotunheim, so that there were no unknowns.   During the Great Voidseed War, the shapeshifters joined the Jötunn on the battlefield. They fought just as ferociously as all of the other allied races, taking advantage of their ability to change their form to cause confusion and distress among the enemy ranks. This helped the allied races and their generals, the Divine Sages, take the Voidseeds by surprise and seize victory on several occasions. The shapeshifters were among the lowest casualties in the war, and they were among the many who mourned the lost.   In the centuries that have followed, this pack developed into a full-on clan, and continued to mingle with the Jötunn and their domesticated Frost Wolves. There has even been a second pack that have revealed themselves, leading to speculation that there may be more out there. They assist the Jötunn with their daily lives in either form, and play with both children and pups alike. Some even become companions to individuals who choose to leave Niflheim, such as Eve and her companion Kala.
Scientific Name
Lupus gelida
Wild: 8-11 years; Domesticated: 13-17 years; Shapeshifters: ~76 years
Average Height
Wolf Form: 91.44 - 124cm (36 - 49in) Shapeshifters: 1.67 - 1.98cm (5'6" - 6'6")
Average Weight
Male: 58.96 - 70.3kg (130 - 155lbs.) Female: 49.89 - 63.5kg (110 - 140lbs.) Shapeshifters: 52.16 - 104.32kg (115 - 230lbs.)[dependent on sex, height, and diet]
Average Length
Male: 2.04 - 2.28m (6.7 - 7.5ft) Female: 1.82 - 2.13 (6 - 7ft)
Geographic Distribution